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By: Brock Shelor

What is FlipGrid?

▪ FlipGrid is a platform/app used for creating groups and involving

multiple people in cooperative ideas and activities online. 
▪ You can make groups, upload videos, documents and many more. 
▪ Teachers can use FlipGrid to help connect with students and
assign assignments and store classroom information in a
online platform.
Classroom Integration/Managment 

• FlipGrid allows teachers to make groups for their classes and certain
sub groups inside of a group/class. 
• A unlimited amount of sub groups can be made with different
meanings and purposes.
• Who is in the group can be managed by the teacher/host.
Classroom Integration/Managment

• Inside of the sub groups and menu's you have the ability to add information
to them. 
• You can name the sub groups anything to help stay neat.
• There is a option for students to have a open chat group where they can
discuss with classmates. 
FlipGrip Teacher Managment

▪ FligGrid also allows storage to be saved and used in the future.

▪ It has a feature that can invited collaborators and different people to make a
video that could be used in the future. 
Youtube Link


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