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Zeyad Osama

Hacking refers to activities that seek to
What is compromise digital devices, such as computers,
smartphones, tablets, and even entire networks.
Hacking Hacking might not always be for malicious
purposes, nowadays most references to hacking,
and hackers, characterize it/them as unlawful
activity by cybercriminals—motivated by financial
gain, protest, information gathering (spying), and
even just for the “fun” of the challenge.
Hacking The pentagon

At the tender of age 15, Jonathan James hacked into NASA and
the Pentagon back in 1999. Using the name “C0mrade,” James
stole software and data valued at nearly $2 million and forced
NASA to shut down for 21 days. Not content with being the first
A famous person to successfully hack the Defense Department, James went
on to breach the security at prominent private firms.
Hacking case
By the age of 16, he was arrested and pleaded guilty. His age kept
his sentence at a modest 6-month house arrest and being banned
from the computer until he was 18. The story, unfortunately, has a
tragic ending. Eight years later, James was accused of stealing
credit card information. He denied the charges and took his own
Under Supervision:
Mrs. Maha Mayaz

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