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Diversity & Inclusion

To be an Employer of Choice
by fostering
a culture of inclusion and diversity of thought
so all our people feel
Respected for who they are
Valued for what they bring
Encouraged to do their best
Why is D&I important?
It’s the right thing to do
We are committed to providing an environment which gives everyone the opportunity to succeed, regardless of personal characteristics.

It’s the smart thing to do

We want to be able to attract and retain great talent.
We live in an increasingly global world that is deeply interconnected.
Research shows, diverse and inclusive organisations enjoy a better organisational culture, including increased productivity, performance and morale and
decreased turnover.

Our clients demand it

Our clients bring increasingly complex challenges which require diversity of thought and the capability to work inclusively with our clients.

It’s integral to the MCE Story

Our story helps direct our thinking and action towards inclusion and diversity. Having an inclusive, diverse culture is central to our vision and mission. A
diverse and inclusive workplace drives performance across all our strategic pillars, because it enables everyone to thrive. We all benefit from diversity of
thought, robust discussion and debate.
Culture of Focus on:
Building awareness around diversity

Inclusion Reward, recognise and celebrate

Enhancing our offerings around flexible working
You can be you
Creating an inclusive leadership culture

Diversity of Focus on:

Thought Recruiting a diverse mix of talent

Retaining our extraordinary people
Strength in difference
MCE’s D&I Journey
A RT 2022
01 People Total: 22
02 2023
%females: 22% People Total: 33
% females LT: 18% %females: 25%
% females LT: 30%

People Total: 46
%females: 30%
% females LT: 35%

People Total: 50
%females: 30%
*numbers do not include Sub Contractors/Short term assignments
*numbers reflect end of calendar year % females LT: 40%
Action Plan
Culture of Inclusion
Building Awareness + Recogniti
• Women of MCE – Steering committee / Mentoring / Quarterly / Monthly Lunches & Events. (Stage 1)

• Quarterly I&D Showcase – showcasing good news stories in the team – e.g. events / forum participation, team
building events; good examples of flexible working; stories of men on parental leave; maximising diverse teams
on client engagements; etc. (Stage 1)
• Recognise all our people’s individual heritage / religious calendar of events e.g Eid, Diwali, etc. (Stage 1)
• Mandatory unconscious bias and cultural awareness training for all Leadership Team. (Stage 1)
• Develop a recognition framework to ensure people are recognised for broader contribution e.g. contribution to
industry, community or to I&D strategy, etc. (Stage 3)
• Recognise leaders who consistently role-model inclusive behaviours. (Stage 3)
Action Plan
Culture of Inclusion
Flexibility + Leadership
• Ensure social functions are held at a time when everyone can attend, include activities which everyone would
enjoy and can participate in, and people are given enough notice to plan. (Stage 1)
• Challenge leadership to ensure ALL people have an equal opportunity to progress and develop – really
challenge if are promoting more of the same? (Stage 1)
• Develop a leadership “charter” to include all of MCE commitments – “1 behavioural change I will make to
practice inclusive leadership”. (Stage 1)
• LT to seek regular feedback around their capability for inclusive leadership. (Stage 2)
• Early identification and sponsorship of our top female talent across all levels. LT to identify what “good
sponsorship” looks like. (Stage 2)
• Introduce a ‘school holiday program’ – parents who qualify may subscribe to school hours during school
holidays. (Stage 3)
• Develop a ‘return to work program’ for those looking to return from parental leave or a career break to ensure a
smooth transition back, including conversations around career path. (Stage 3)
Action Plan
Diversity of Thought
Talent Acquisition
• Write results-based job descriptions and jobs ads to ensure they “talk” to ALL people. (Stage 1)
• All Hiring Managers to adopt the “MCE Recruitment Principles – see Appendix 1 (Stage 1)
• Set up a MCE Alumni – actively keeping in touch with key talent who may look at returning to MCE at some
point in their future career journey. (Stage 2)
• Equal pay – Become WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality. (Stage 1)
• Candidate shortlists to include 30% female representation (Stage 1)
• Annual upfront identification of “non-traditional” skillsets, target markets, universities, agencies for the
acquisition of skills. (Stage 2)
Action Plan
Diversity of Thought
Talent Management
• All roles flexible – include standard wording in all advertising, interview process, marketing literature and
tenders and engagement letters; equipping leaders with techniques of managing clients around flexible
working. (Stage 1)
• Annual review of Skills Matrix to identify gaps in diversity of skills and experience (both specialist and soft
skills), including skills of the future, diversity of leadership pipeline and diversity in project team mix (creating
‘best for client’ teams). (Stage 2)
• Identify and champion at least 1 University internship per year for a female engineering student (Stage 1)
Staying accountable
• Individual ownership and accountability to drive 1 action item from the Plan
• Nominate one D&I champion across each State to facilitate the Strategy and be part of a National D&I
Committee – Matt to lead
• LT to report quarterly on their contribution to MCE D&I Strategy
• Monitor recruitment, turnover and exit data to understand pressure points
• Gender pay gap to be reviewed quarterly
• Weave contribution to D&I Strategy into goals for LT
• Identify and report (bi-annual) on key performance measures against Vision and Purpose of Plan
• LT to lead by example and “call it out” if they observe conversations, ‘banter' or behaviours that are counter-
productive to our strategy
Stage 1
• Launch – D&I Strategy to all staff
• Launch Recruitment Principles to LT
• Equal pay – Become WGEA Employer of Choice for Gender Equality.
• Mandatory unconscious bias and cultural awareness training for all Leadership Team.
• Quarterly I&D Showcase – showcasing good news stories in the team – e.g. events / forum participation, team building
events; good examples of flexible working; stories of men on parental leave; maximising diverse teams on client
engagements; etc.
• Recognise all our people’s individual heritage / religious calendar of events e.g Eid, Diwali, etc.
• Ensure social functions are held at a time when everyone can attend, include activities which everyone would enjoy and can
participate in, and people are given enough notice to plan.
•• o I&D leadership to ensure ALL people have an equal opportunity to progress and develop – really challenge if are
promoting more of the same?
• Develop a leadership “charter” to include all of MCE commitments – “1 behavioural change I will make to practice inclusive
• Write results-based job descriptions and jobs ads to ensure they “talk” to ALL people.
• All Hiring Managers to adopt the “MCE Recruitment Principles” (see Appendix 1)
• Candidate shortlists to include 30% female representation.
• Identify and champion at least 1 University internship per year for a female engineering student.
• All roles flexible – include standard wording in all advertising, interview process, marketing literature and tenders and
engagement letters; equipping leaders with techniques of managing clients around flexible working.
Appendix 1
MCE Recruitment
Role Indentification: On initiation, the role should be made available as both full time and part time unless there is an
explicit reason that it cannot be done in less than 5 days per week.
Advertising / Sourcing: All MCE job ads will include commentary about our flexible work environment and candidates
will be invited to discuss flexibility at the interview.  Brief recruitment partners / agencies to do the same.
Screening: Less focus on a large number of specific technical skills by adopting a flexible approach to hire talent with
transferable skills in similar areas.  Where we have a female applications, all CVs need to be sent to the hiring manager
for review and selection. At a minimum, there should be at least ONE female candidate in the shortlist.
Interviewing: Ensure we talk about our agile working environment in all interviews and open up a discussion about the
flexibility need of candidates in every interview.  Include both genders in the interview process or ensure candidates meet
at least one female leader as part of the process.
Selection: Every quarter, the LT will be asked to present a quick paper on hires made over the quarter and how their
selections will not only contribute to the MCE I&D Strategy but also enhance the Diversity of the relevant team.
Job Offer: Hiring Manager to check pay against peers to ensure there is no pay gap where similar skills and experience are

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