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Alok Bugde C009 Priyanka Garg C019 Hardik Gogri C022 Ilhan Khan C033 Ravi Ramchandani C047

Aniket Samant C048

First cellphone provider 1995 Competitors Motorola, Sony Ericsson, Spice, MicroMaxx, Karbonn, LG, Samsung, BlackBerry etc. Losing its market share to Samsung, Micromax, Blackberry

Demographic Information

Consumer Behavioral Information

Consumer Behavioral Information (Contd..)

Selective Behavioral Information

Positives Negatives

Selective Behavioral Information (Contd..)

Analysis based on primary and secondary research The Questionnaire was sent to over 100 people over internet

Received responses from 115 people over the net.

Garnered consumer behavior through retailer's viewpoint

Secondary data studied through AC Neilson report

Total Sample Space :115 Consumers + (Retailers)

The Internet respondents included students, professionals, businessman, housemakers etc.

Physical respondents included the retailers surveyed Around 80-90% of respondents were in and around Mumbai or Metro area

Survey was taken over period of 7 days.

Sony Ericsson Samsung Nokia Motorola Micromax LG I-Phone

Select the Mobile you own?


leads with 44 users (38%) followed by Samsung with 22 users (19%). include Sony Ericsson, Motorola, BlackBerry and some Indian brands.


0 10 20 30 40 50

What mobile do I own?

What mobile did I previously own?

HTC 2%

I-Phone 1%

Motorola 1%

Sony BlackBerry 10% Ericsson HTC 9% 5% Samsung 19%

I-Phone 6%

This is my first cell phone 22% Sony Ericsson 8% Samsung 12% Nokia 53%

LG 4% Micromax 6% Nokia 38% Motorola 3%

53% had Nokia while 38% have Nokia

Nokia -> Nokia

Nokia -> Recommend Nokia

Probably wouldn't Can't say 17% 7%

BlackBerry HTC I-Phone Micromax Motorola Nokia Samsung Sony Ericsson



3% 5% 8% 3%

Probably would 41%


Definetly would 35%

48% of users who previously owned Nokia, still owns Nokia.

22 out of 61 (who previously owned Nokia) recommend Nokia phones

15 15%

6 6% 24 24%

How much Im willing to pay for my mobile?


54 (55%) respondents were within the 1000020000 range.

6 (6%) respondents were in Below 5000 range.

54 55%
<5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 >20000





<5000 5000-10000 10000-20000 >20000



Low End Category : Micromax v/s Nokia

High End Category : BlackBerry/I-phone/Samsung v/s Nokia

Sony Ericsson Samsung

Motorola Micromax Student Service Businessman

I-Phone HTC

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

180 160 140 120 100 80 60

20 0



Brand image

After Sales Services offered



The data is analyzed only for those who have shifted from Nokia to other phones.

Strong Points

Weak Points

One of the major findings in the Weak points of Nokia Phones was

lack of Dual sim phone models and High end model features.

One Nokia person is present at some big shops Nokia doing well overall but sales of old models stagnated. Nokia doing extremely well in low - middle end models.

Samsung leading in high end models.

Also, at some stores consumers come with the intention of buying Nokia phone but shift to other brands due to low pricing. There is a change in trend: previously consumers based their purchase mainly on looks but now a days focus is on features as compared to looks

Based on Consumer Survey


cut its quality features

Improve Right


Based on qualitative responses and secondary data


its first position


Data for the survey may have been skewed by majority internet response, as evident from: 77% of the respondents fall in 20-25 age category 59% of the respondents fall in the students category Data skewed as majority of the population is from Mumbai

An exhaustive pan-India survey which covers these shortcomings needs to be undertaken to gain an in-dept understanding

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