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Constructing and Revising

Language Syllabus

2022/8/18 Liu Seven

Revising Language Syllabus

The revision work is mainly carried

out in the following eight aspects:
Revising Language Syllabus
1.College English is designed to
help students apply the
knowledge of English they have
learned and are currently
learning. Their current
professional learning, research
and future work will serve the
language teaching, rather than
learning English teaching simply
to improve their English
Revising Language Syllabus

2. Redefine Academic English. A qualified

college student should make academic
English a mainstream course compulsory to

3. Reiterate that Academic English must start with new students. From
the beginning, allowing them to read academic articles, learn formal
academic vocabulary, write short articles supported by literature.
Revising Language Syllabus

4. Propose the establishment of a forum

system for academic English for college
students. Medical forums, foreign trade
academic forums and science and
engineering student forums, etc., these
forums require students to submit abstracts
and full papers, and students are required to make reports, answers and
ask questions in the forum group discussions, which exercises the skills
they learn in academic English courses and conducts "military exercises"
for them to embark on the international academic stage.
Revising Language Syllabus

5. Established the "General Academic English Proficiency Test for

Colleges and Universities" based on the "Academic English Proficiency
Level Scale". In addition to academic lectures, English vocabulary, and
academic texts (600-1000 words per article), there are also
transcriptions of original sentences, paragraphs or articles to
summarize, and literature-based review writing (provide three to four
formal academic paper abstracts, requiring the test to write a review
report and express your own views after reading.
Revising Language Syllabus

6. Put forward the principles for

the preparation of academic
English textbooks. For example,
college English textbooks
emphasize the interestingness
and thoughtfulness of the
content, and the authenticity and
beauty of the language
Revising Language Syllabus

7.Propose a learner-centered,
academic English teaching model
based on project research and
language analysis. This model
requires students to score points
Groups, selecting topics of their
specialization (General Academic
English can choose interdisciplinary popular science topics) to carry out

project research.
Revising Language Syllabus

8. Proposed the Framework for the Development

of Academic English Teachers' Abilities. The
transition from a general English teacher to an
academic English teacher is not only a change in
teaching philosophy, but also a development of
professional competence.
Constructing Language Syllabus

1. Course Orientation and Goals:

Positioning: to meet the professional learning needs of college students
and to serve the overall goal of professional talent training.

Objective: To develop students' academic English skills in absorbing

(listening, reading) and communicating (speaking and writing)
professional information, so that they can use English as a tool to directly
engage in their current professional study, research and future work.
Constructing Language Syllabus

2. Teaching content and requirements:

EFLT: English as Foreign Language

Teaching is generally divided into

General English for General Purposes .

ESP: English for Specific Purposes.

Constructing Language Syllabus

Academic English Teaching

General Academic English Skills:
(1) Listen to lectures and take notes
(2) Read general academic articles and
professional literature.
(3)Write literature reviews, academic articles, abstracts.

(4) Read papers and participate in academic discussions(5) Master citation

skills and academic formal language.
Constructing Language Syllabus

In order to meet the requirements for teaching English for academic

purposes, we propose the ability goals that help college students to
achieve two levels after completing the teaching of English at the
university: A and B. The objective of Level B is to provide specialized
academic English teaching based on the achievement of Level A
objectives; The objectives of Level A are to teach general academic
English, supplementing the teaching content of the specialized academic
English part as needed.
Constructing Language Syllabus

3. Curriculum System and Arrangement:

The university English curriculum system consists of three types of
courses: transitional courses, core courses and elective courses. The
transition course refers to the General English course, which is mainly
designed to supplement the foundation for new students with lower
English proficiency, with the aim of enabling them to transition to the
core curriculum as quickly as possible. The transitional General English
curriculum includes a comprehensive college English curriculum that
trains students in skills such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
The General English course recommendations are of an elective nature.
Constructing Language Syllabus

4. Teaching Evaluation and Testing:

Teaching evaluation is an important part of
teaching activities, which is not only the basis
for teachers to obtain teaching feedback
information, improve teaching methods and
improve teaching quality, but also an effective
means for students to understand their own learning situation, adjust learning
strategies, and improve learning efficiency. Teaching evaluation includes the
evaluation of students and the evaluation of teaching.
Constructing Language Syllabus

4. Teaching Evaluation and Testing:

By assigning projects related to the subject of
the text (or professional hotspots), students
are asked to form small groups to conduct
research based on literature surveys or
empirical experiments, encourage students to
search, summarize, and review relevant literature, design research methods
(such as questionnaires, field surveys, and small experiments), and finally
report research results in oral and written form.
Thank you for watching

2022/8/18 Liu Seven

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