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Amanda Romadon Azhara (062130601523)
Fajria Rahmah ( 062130601528)
Nur Annisa Pajrianti (062130601536)

Bahasa Inggris 3NE Management Skill

Management Skill
Management skill is the abilty to organize,
lead and manage work and teams. Usually, this
abilty must be owned by manager in the team.
Technical abilty
Example: a content manager, he must understand
01 using elektronik related to content to sosial media
applications this necessary to ensure that the
There are basic types of Management manager can set an example and guide his staff
skills that a leader must possess when working

Conceptual abilty
02 a manager who has extensive knowledge about
the job and the industry, Will fine it easier to
analyze a problem.

Interpersonal Skills
03 a manager must able to communicate and interast
with his own team. by building good comunication
and relationship, a manager can maximite the
potensial of every member in his team.
Example Management Skill
1. Planning
2. Time Management
3. Leading
4. Team Building
5. Delegation
How to Develop Management Skills
1. Keep Learning
2. Search and Take
3. Find a role model that you
can make a role model
Example :

Otained: Diperoleh
Necessary: Penting
Extensive: Luas
Opportunity: Kesempatan
Management skills have an important role in a
organization, company or business. For this reason,
a leader must master skill management so that
organizational control can run well.
Thank you!
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