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•Zangilan is situated in
the south-west of the
Azerbaijan Republic, on
railway and highway and
is of great strategic
importance. It borders on
Armenia and Iran.
Zangilan was granted a city
status in 1967. At that time,
Zangilan region had one City,
5 settlements (Agh oyug,
Minjivan, Bartaz, Aghbend,
Hekeri), 79 were villages.
Zangilan is a region with
fascinating beauty, rich in
nature thank to its
geographical position, soil and
climate. The territory is within
the scope of medium and low
mountains, and it has the
complex fragmented
structure of the surface.
From the North-west area the
Bargushad ridge (at 1304 meters
above sea level Susan Mount.)
forms"Agh oyuq” (White hole)
plain (400-600 meters above sea
level) between the Bazarchay
and Okhju Rivers. From the
north-east Karabakh ridge the
descending slope pass the hilly
rivers Hakari and Araz and
reaches the Gayan Lake. In the
west, at the edge of Megri
(Mehri-Guney) ridge Sukrataz
mountain ridge (2270 meters
high above sea level) is located.
On October 29, 1993, the district came under
the occupation of the Nagorno-Karabakh
Defence Army during the First Nagorno-
Karabakh War. On 20 October 2020, Supreme
Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev,
announced that Azerbaijani military forces
liberated some settlements in Zangilan
district, namely, Havali, Zarnali,
Mammadbayli, Hakari, Sharifan, Mughanli
villages, as well as Zangilan city itself. On
October 21, 2020, it was announced that
Minjivan settlement and 12 more villages of
Zangilan district have been liberated.
Azerbaijani authorities announced the
liberation of 13 more villages and Aghband
settlement of Zangilan district on October 22,
2020. The liberation of Aghband settlement
was highlighted for the reason that full
control over the state border between
Azerbaijan and Iran was established after the
Zangilan International Airport
was commissioned with
opening ceremony on
October 20, 2022, with the
participation of President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan
Ilham Aliyev and President of
the Republic of Turkey Recep
Tayyip Erdogan. The airport,
near the borders of Iran and
Armenia, has been envisaged
as a hub in Azerbaijan’s
“Zangezur Corridor” project.
These works began immediately
after the end of the war. Work is
underway on the construction of
road infrastructure. One of them is
the Goradiz-Agbend railway project,
and it is planned to complete work
on this railway by the end of next
year. On the other hand, the
motorway is under construction and
will probably already be fully
operational in early 2024. Currently,
an asphalt road has been laid from
the village of Agaly to the Zangilan
International Airport, as a result of
which we get there and back very
Work is also underway on water
infrastructure, and special attention
is being paid to this issue. Because
at present there is a problem of
water shortage all over the world,
and a commission on the efficient
use of water resources has been
established by order of President
Ilham Aliyev. The main purpose of
the creation of this commission is to
solve the common water problems
of Azerbaijan. Therefore, quite a lot
of work is also being done on water
supply issues in Eastern
Zangezur and Zangilan.
Speaking about the village of Agaly,
built in the Zangilan district in
accordance with “smart” and
sustainable concepts, Vahid Hajiyev
stressed that all the necessary
infrastructure has been created
here, 66 families, a total of 326
people have been resettled to their
homeland. Residents of Agaly are
provided with high-quality houses
equipped with "smart"
technologies. Employment issues,
social, educational, and medical
issues are resolved by the relevant
We will forever
keep our
martyrs in our

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