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Implementing an Asset

Management System for

Integrity Assets
Asset Management System
Project Name:

Team Names:
Calara, Reuben
Elvena, Adrian
Musni, Adrian
Sample Logo
Asset Management System

 The AssetTrack project aims to implement an Asset Management

System for Integrity Assets Corporation. This system will be designed
to help the company manage its assets more efficiently, reduce costs
and improve the accuracy of its inventory management.
 By using the minimum/maximum inventory level method, you can
effectively manage your inventory levels and ensure that you always
have enough stock on hand to meet customer demand while
minimizing storage costs and the risk of stockouts.

1 .Determine your minimum inventory level: This is the lowest quantity

of an asset that you can have on hand before you need to reorder.
2. Determine your maximum inventory level: This is the highest quantity
of an asset that you should have on hand.
3. Calculate your reorder point: This is the inventory level at which you
should place a reorder to avoid stockouts.
4. Monitor inventory levels: Regularly monitor your inventory levels to
ensure they stay within the minimum and maximum levels you set.
Modules and Functionalities:

The AssetTrack system will be designed to have the following

modules and Functionalities:
 Asset Management: This module will allow the company to
track all its assets, including their location, condition, and
maintenance history.
 Inventory Management: This module will enable the company
to manage its inventory levels, track stock movement, and
monitor stock level in real time.
 MaintenanceManagement: This module will allow
the company to schedule and track maintenance
activities for its assets.

 Reporting and Analytics: The system will be able

to generate custom reports and analytics based on
asset data, inventory data, and maintenance
List of Deliverables
• Data collection of assert track trough inputting data
• Program process
• Dissection good and bad assets
• Data presentation and approval form from the higher
• Starting of the inventory implementation of labor
• Repeat the process quarterly
Schedule of the project
 Planning Stage (1-2 months):  Implementation Stage including training and
familiarization of the project (6-8 months):
• Conduct a feasibility study to
determine the viability of the program • Execute the project plan developed in the planning
and its potential impact on the stage, ensuring that all stakeholders are informed about
organization (1-2 weeks). the progress of the program (6 months).
• Identify key stakeholders who will be
• Provide adequate training and support to employees to
impacted by the program and involve
them in the planning process (1 week).
ensure they are comfortable with the changes brought
about by the program (ongoing throughout
• Develop a detailed project plan that implementation).
outlines the scope, objectives,
timeline, and resources required for • Monitor the program's performance and address any
the program (3-4 weeks). issues or challenges that arise promptly (ongoing
• Communicate the program objectives throughout implementation).
and benefits to stakeholders and • Continuously communicate the program's progress and
obtain their support (1 week). benefits to stakeholders to maintain their engagement
and support (ongoing throughout implementation).
 Evaluation Stage (2-3 months):
• Evaluate the program's effectiveness in achieving its
objectives, using data, surveys, and feedback from
stakeholders (1-2 months).
• Identify areas for improvement and make necessary
changes to the program to ensure its long-term
success (1-2 weeks).
• Communicate the results of the evaluation to
stakeholders and obtain their feedback (1 week).
• Continuously monitor and evaluate the program's
performance to ensure it continues to meet its
objectives and deliver value to the organization
(ongoing after evaluation).
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