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Answer the following questions:

1. What did you do during the
2. What did you learn during the
3. What would you like to achieve
during this semester?
Describing a favourite sport
Suggested Vocabulary
• Work out: Physical activity or exercise performed to improve or maintain
health and fitness.
• Warm-up exercises: Light exercises or movements performed before a
more intense workout to prepare the body for physical activity.
• Backstroke: A swimming stroke performed lying on one's back, moving the
arms in a circular motion while kicking the legs.
• Breaststroke: A swimming stroke performed by moving the arms in a
circular motion while bringing the hands together in front of the body,
followed by a frog-like kick.
• Butterfly stroke: A swimming stroke performed by moving both arms
simultaneously in a circular motion above the head while doing a dolphin
kick with the legs.
Suggested Vocabulary
• Swim like a fish: To swim easily and gracefully, as if one were a fish in
• Swim like a brick: To swim poorly or with difficulty, as if one were a heavy
object sinking in water.
• Freestyle: A swimming stroke that allows the swimmer to use any
combination of arm and leg movements.
• Dive: To plunge headfirst into water.
• Doggy paddle: A swimming stroke performed by paddling the hands and
feet in a dog-like motion.
Suggested Vocabulary
• Swim like a fish: To swim easily and gracefully, as if one were a fish in
• Swim like a brick: To swim poorly or with difficulty, as if one were a heavy
object sinking in water.
• Freestyle: A swimming stroke that allows the swimmer to use any
combination of arm and leg movements.
• Dive: To plunge headfirst into water.
• Doggy paddle: A swimming stroke performed by paddling the hands and
feet in a dog-like motion.
Describe your favorite sport. You should say:
• what it is,
• what clothes or equipment it involves,
• what benefits there are,
• explain why you like it best.
1. Why do some people not like sports?
2. Which sport do you think is the healthiest? Why?
3. Do you think everyone should play sports?

1. Who do you think is the best all around athlete in the world?
2. Who do you think is the best athlete in your country?
3. Who is your favorite professional athlete? Why?
4. Who swims better, your mother or your father?
5. Would you rather go swimming or skiing? Why?
6. How do feel about golf?
7. How do you feel about combat sports?
8. When the city helps build a new sports stadium, who benefits the most - the
team, the city, the nearby businesses, or the sports fans?
Describe an invention
What is an invention?
• The act of bringing ideas or objects
together in a novel way to create
something that did not exist before.
Describe an important invention. You should say:
• what it is;
• where it is sold;
• what features it has;
• explain why you think it is important.
Describe a film
1. Do you like to watch horror movies?
2. Do you usually watch movies at home or at a movie theater?
3. Have you ever seen the same movie more than once?
4. How often do you go to movies?
5. If a book has been made into a movie, which do you prefer to do first,
see the movie or read the book? Why?
1. What do you think of people who talk during movies at a movie theater?
2. What is the scariest movies you have ever seen?
3. What is the worst movie you've ever seen?
4. What was the last movie you saw?
5. Who is your favorite actor or actress?
Describe a film that you enjoyed watching. You should say:
• what type of film it was,
• what it was about,
• why you enjoyed it,
• explain whether this film was popular in your country.

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