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Having important
Main Verb

Auxiliary No having important

Verb meaning


Need an object

Doesn’t need an object

Regular Verb V2 and V3 same

V1-V2-V3 can be
Irregular verb different
Berdasarkan fungsi dalam kalimat, kata kerja dibagi
menjadi dua, yaitu:
1. Kata kerja utama (main verb), misalnya study,
work, read, etc.
2. Kata kerja bantu (auxiliary), biasanya digunakan
untuk kalimat negatif atau tanya, yaitu:
 do dan does untuk present tense, contoh: I do not
read a book. She does not write a letter. Do you have
a pencil?
 did untuk past tense, contoh: He did not go to school
yesterday. Did they meet you?
 have untuk perfect tense, contoh: They have done
their tasks. Have we heard the news?
 Tobe bisa dimasukkan sebagai kata kerja tambahan
karena digunakan untuk melengkapi kata kerja (dalam
continuous tense atau passive voice) atau kalimat
nominal. Macam-macam to be antara lain:
 am, is, are untuk present tense, contoh: I am a student. He
is my close friend. They are my classmates. We are learning
English now. English is learned by all students.
 was, were untuk past tense, contoh: She was my old friend
two years ago. We were wearing blue-white uniform when
we were Junior High School’s students. Veils were worn by
girls and badge was used by students.
 been untuk perfect tense, contoh: I have been a teacher for
two years in this school although I have been teaching English
for three years. English had been learned by me when I had
been a student.
 be jika digabungkan dengan modal (can, must, may, should,
etc.), contoh: I can be a good student. Story can be written
based on personal experience.
1. Transitive Verb : Kata Kerja yang membutuhkan obyek,
contoh: write, read, leave, occupy
She writes …. (Dia menulis … ) butuh obyek nulis apa? 
She writes a letter. (Dia menulis surat)
2. Intransitive Verb : Kata Kerja yang tidak membutuhkan
obyek, contoh: sleep, sit, live, stay
She lives in Rembang (Dia tinggal di …) tidak butuh
obyek, langsung keterangan tempat)
Perhatikan kalimat berikut.
He occupies the position of a chairman. (Dia menduduki
posisi ketua)– transitive verb
He sits in the chair. (Dia duduk di kursi) – intransitive verb.
She lives in Rembang - intransitive
She leaves Rembang for Semarang – transitive
Berdasarkan bentuk, kata kerja bisa dibedakan
menjadi dua, yaitu:
1. Regular verb (kata kerja beraturan) yaitu kata
kerja yang proses pembentukan dari V1, V2, dan
V3 secara beraturan hanya dengan menambah –d/-
ed di akhir kata tersebut. Contoh: clean – cleaned
– (have/has/had) cleaned; close – closed - closed
2. Irregular verb (kata kerja tak beraturan) yaitu
kata kerja yang proses pembentukan dari V1, V2,
dan V3 secara tak beraturan (melihat pola yang
telah ditetapkan dalam ketentuan bahasa Inggris),
misalnya: write – wrote – (have) written; put – put
– (have) put, dan sebagainya.

1. V1, V2, V3 berbeda semua, contoh: go –

went – gone; see – saw – seen; give – gave -
2. V1, V2, V3 sama semua, contoh: put – put –
put; cut – cut – cut
3. V1 dan V3 sama, contoh: come – came –
come; run – ran – run; become – became -
4. V2 dan V3 sama, contoh: buy – bought –
bought; bring – brought – brought; think –
thought – thought

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