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DAT 553 - Idea Critique

Roman Arrigo Blasberg

Twine + AI
➔ How might I make AI generated imagery that's
built from the specific values and beliefs of
➔ I wanted to create a platform that uses AI
generated images to give individuals a visual
description of what their values mean and how
they manifest themselves in the real world
➔ To do this I’d present the reader with a
series of questions in the form of a
◆ In each question they will choose which of
4 statements they resonate the most with
◆ Each statement targets a different value
◆ The Narrative determines what value the
person falls under
➔ I make my own questions
➔ Narrative/questions are based around
Schwartz’s value theory
◆ Theory of cross-cultural psychology
and universal human values
◆ Theory categorizes humans into a set
of 10 values.
◆ Self-direction, security, stimulation,
hedonism, universalism, benevolence,
conformity, achievement, tradition and

Practical Testing/Conceptual Research

Practical 1. Which statement do you resonate with the

a. I want people to admire what I do
b. I like to do things in own original way

c. I believe it's important to be loyal to my
d. I believe anyone and everyone should
have equal opportunities
2. Which statement do you resonate with the
a. I believe everyone should be satisfied
with what they have
b. Being creative and coming up with new
ideas is important to me
c. I strive to be better than others
d. I believe people should always follow
the rules, even when nobody’s watching
➔ After answering all the questions the viewer is
presented with an AI generated image based
on their value
➔ Images are predetermined
➔ The image prompt is based on how the
person’s value might manifest itself
➔ For example, “A happy family living inside a
bunker” can be a potential prompt that reflects
◆ A person that values security is
concerned with maintaining safety,
harmony, and stability for oneself, for
one’s direct relationships, and society.

Practical Testing/Conceptual Research

Artworks that inspire/influence the project
Androids - Pain
Identity - Despair

Humanity - Comfort

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