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Review on Group 1 Video

(Online Dating)
Online dating is a dating service
presented trough a mobile application.
These application can helps the process
of finding dating partner based on our
interest and taste. The advantages of this
technology is that it helps people to
interact with other without traveling to a
certain area and also increasing the
scope of search for those who are single.
The disadvantages is that it increase the
rate of sex offenders and scammers.
Overall, this technology really helps people in this era. However, the
use of online dating must be maintained so that it is not misused.

The group did an excellent job on explaining what is online dating, how
it works, the advantages and disadvantages. But they did not explain
the impact on religion or how we as a religious people overcome this
Group Reflection
By Rifqi Arifianto H.
This group really put teamwork in it. I can say that we are all the leader
because we put ourself in the position where we have the same lead,
one purpose. We finish all the projects together, everybody has a task
and helps each other when needed. Overall, I'm very satisfied with this

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