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SEO Guide: SEO Tips

To Rank Better on
Page Loading Speed

 Users dislike waiting for a page to load, causing them to leave your website quickly
 Data shows that a one-second delay in page loading time leads to a 7% decrease in
 40% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.
 Users find slow websites to be untrustworthy
 Search engines use robots to examine webpages before indexing them
 Pages need to load quickly in order for search engines to properly index them

 Remove any unnecessary graphics or high-resolution images

 If using WordPress, deactivate any plugins you are not using or are unimportant
 Remove any nonessential widgets from the sidebar
Outbound Linking

 Click-through rate is one of the most important elements of SEO

 Having high-quality outbound links from your website to other similar websites
improves the experience for your viewers
 Helps create a strong relationship with authoritative sites and influencers in your
 Leads to guest posting opportunities
 Creates opportunities to receive inbound links from authoritative websites
Long-Tail Keywords

 Keywords that are more than 3 words in length

 Less search volume but higher conversion rate
 More specific and thus, more targeted
 Less competitive
 Content created with long-tail keywords in mind is more engaging for the user
 Search spiders are just scripts, they won’t purchase anything
 Write content that will help users (SEO copywriting)
 Long-tail keywords compel users to take action
 Search engines will eventually rank content focusing on long-tail keywords and helping
users higher because users will have found that content compelling, and search engines
follow users
Google Analytics

 Google Analytics should provide enough information for you, however, if you
need further data, paid options are available
 Helps understand which backlinks are generating the most traffic
 Google search console will help discover what keywords your audience is
searching for
 If using paid SEO methods, analytics will help determine whether the investment
is worth making
 Understand how visitors behave on your website
 Helps determine what is working and what isn’t
Meta Description

 Text which appears describing your website on the search results page
 Effective meta descriptions will lead to a higher click-through rate
 Although meta descriptions do not effect rankings, user behavior does, so a higher
click-through rate will cause your page to improve it’s ranking
 High-quality meta descriptions will attract a more targeted audience
 Meta descriptions are like a first impression
 Effective meta descriptions improve the user experience of your website
 Try not to use duplicate meta descriptions
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