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The evolving role of DPULOs

8 September 2011 JCHR visit, Independent Living Inquiry

ecdp: key facts

Established in 1995 39 staff, nearly 1.7m turnover
52% of staff declare an impairment Finance is a 65%-25%-10% mix

100% Board Members with a self-declared impairment Over 4,100 clients in 3 services across 3 local authority areas
IAG, Support Planning, Payroll

1,668 members
21.6% have a learning disability 6.8% have a long-term health condition 5.2% have a mental health condition

Over 170 volunteers

8 September 2011

The evolving role of DPULOs

Our Voice-Business model



Contracts only

The evolving role of DPULOs


8 September 2011

Voice-business in practice (1)

Support planning operating model
Quality measures identified and developed by service users Contract specification based on quality measures Peer-led delivery through ecdp Results:
16% of LA support plans = cash payment 100% of ecdp support plans = cash payment

93% of social workers think CRB checks for PAs should be mandatory 2.5% of ecdp service users undertake free CRB checks of PAs Implications for workforce development and regulation

The evolving role of DPULOs

8 September 2011

Voice-business in practice (2)

Right to Control
Engagement and consultation phase Bid development in co-production with statutory partners SUs at every level of project governance
Chair of Programme Board Service User Reference Group Member of Core Delivery Team

Trailblazer delivery
Peer-led IAG Peer-led support planning Peer-led reviews
The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

Voice-business in practice (3a)

3-year longitudinal study
Two overall aims:
Understand impact of Personal Budgets on service user experiences Gather evidence on effectiveness of practices and processes that underpin implementation

46 service users (25 OP, 13 PSI, 8 LD) 9 senior LA managers (Practitioners, OTs, Service Managers, Social Workers) 10 service providers
The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

Voice-business in practice (3b)

Findings from service users (demandside)
Family and social networks vital for support
Network => take-up of PB PB => enabler of networks

Finding services
Quality assurance of providers a key issue Knowledge of market limited

Personal skills vital to success

Confidence, assertiveness and flexibility

Frontline staff crucial to choices available

The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

Voice-business in practice (3c)

Frontline staff
Variation in engagement with choice
Some evidence of judgments being made prior to offering choice When SW confident, good outcomes follow

Generally positive, good business opportunity Attitudes strongly informed response
PSI thought of as suitable for PBs OP / LD thought of as less suitable for PBs

Double standards over formal/informal workforce Information asymmetry Slightly more than less providers proactively adapting to PBs
The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

Lived Experience
Lived experience is the experience and expertise that disabled people have in their everyday lives. Two way process: - receive lived experience from service users - invite lived experience through comms mechanisms (specific issues)

Lived experience informs all of our work at ecdp; it enables us to represent the collective voice of disabled people in Essex.

The evolving role of DPULOs

8 September 2011

Lived Experience
Disability hate crime
Collected voice of members (focus groups, online survey) Consulted with others involved; police, councils, services: partnership working, not reinventing the wheel. Lived experience put us in position to make recommendations and work with partners to move them forward.

Access to Work
Changes to Access to Work highlighted by members Collected wider lived experience to inform submission to Sayce review (online survey) Lived experience approach enabled us to note recent changes and work to understand impact on disabled people

DLA reform and PIP

Since DLAs replacement with PIP was announced, we have consulted with members Collected lived experience (formation of pan-impairment reference group and online survey)
The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

Prevention and early intervention

Enhance = support and improve
2008 4-year strategy (2012) 10-year strategy (2012)

The evolving role of DPULOs

8 September 2011

Our ambitions
Achieving prevention and early intervention
Lived Experience as a pathway / means of opportunity The PB holders of today are the support planners of tomorrow

Expanding demand-side of the market

People with rights under disability law Approximately 11m people (1 in 5) All impairment groups Older people

Joining up policy dots on the ground

Right to Control (Employment, Housing, Social Care) Health and social care (potentially through HealthWatch) Leadership and Service Leavers (through our LeadingAbility programme)
The evolving role of DPULOs 8 September 2011

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