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Section -1 Introduction to Ruralism Unit -1 Meaning of Village and Rural area with reference to geographical, political. Social, economical, health indicators and demographical. Defining rural society in Rural, Semi-Urban and Urban Society under 3-tier administrative set up. Social stratification and decline of traditional structures of various community people living in villages.

Unit -2 Traditional and contemporary problems of rural areas; poverty and allied issues and factors emerging from it, action of development institutions to remove poverty through improving them in literacy, population, health and sanitation issues, employment and rehabilitation of migrants, gender sensitivity and eradication of social evils. Alternative economy livelihood generation activities and rural finance for Non Farm Activities such as handicrafts, rural artisans and weavers etc.

Section II Rural Development Models Define Rural Development and all round improvement, theories and models of development/growth/progressvarious views. Alternative development approaches defining rural development as a construct, participatory development model, Gandhian model & Nehru Model. Providing Urban amenities in Rural Area (PURA model) as latest model of rural development consisting health, education, employment towards social status, spiritual fusions and traditions. Creating suitable environment for watershed, farm development and forest development. Providing amenities to rural people where extension of urban development authorities has reached.

Various models for Rural Development:

Community Development Model Gramin Banks Model of Bangladesh E-Choupal Model AMUL Pattern- a unique model for Rural Development Chitrakoot Prakalp- an alternative model of selfreliant villages ( for health , education & employment) RISC model( Rural Infrastructure & Services Commons) a model for rapid rural economic development

Section III -Programs of rural developments and poverty alleviation Understanding and analyzing State and Central led programmatic initiatives. Scope for current and future state programs and projects-such as IRDP SGSY, PMRGY, NREGS. Bharat Nirman (Rural infrastructure development- of roads, housing, irrigation, drinking water, electrification, health, rural telephony and transportation etc.). Attitudinal change of rural population from indifference to responsible attitude, mass education through media role education.

Section IV Institutions of Rural development Unit-I Introduction to Development Organisations/Institutions-such as NABARD, DRDA (forest, irrigation, industries, education, health department of Government). Types of Rural Development Institutions Commercial Banks, Regional Rural Banks, Central Co-operative Banks, primary agriculture credit societies, Khadi & Village Industries Commission etc.

Unit 2 Understanding other developmental organisations in the rural development- NGOs, charitable trusts, PSCs (Public Sector Companies), cooperatives, MFIs (Micro Financing Institutions) GONGOs (Government Organised NGOs), and SHGs. PRIs (Panchayati Raj Institutions) structure & working of Gram Panchayat, Panchayat Samiti ( block development agency) Zila Parishad -Representation of rural people, constitutional amendments and legislative structures, participation of marginalised, participatory planning, contribution of panchayats, for rural development.

Section V- Issues in management of development institutions Development programmes of different Institutions-phases, constraints, issues for rural managers. Strategic management framework, planning to execute the developmental programs.

Core strategic issue- leadership, organisation and change, scaling up withdrawal, participation-empowerment, networking, advocacy, capacity building- HR development, NGO-government relations and partnerships, accountability, monitoring and evaluation, legal issues, fund mobilisation and management. Natural Calamities/ Disaster Management (Flood/ Drought/ Earthquake etc.). Development for Tribal- Natural resources development and management.

1.Singh Katar; 2nd edition 1999; Rural Development-Principles, Policies and Management; Sage development. 2. Sundaram I.S.;Rural development Srivastava O.S.; 1994; Theories and models of development and growth; progress publication. 3. Rai Manoj, Nambiani Malini, Paul Sohini, Singh Sangeeta V.,Sahini Satinder S.; 2001, The state of Panchayat- A participatory perspective, PRIA

4. Swami H.R and Gupta B.P; Rural Development and Cooperation; Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur. 5. Choudhaary C.M., Rural Development & Cooperation; Shivam Book House Pvt. Ltd. Jaipur. 6. Verma, S.B.;Sah, G.P.; Pathak, S.C.; Rural Credit and Cooperative Development; Deep & Deep Publications.

7. Sridhar Krishna, Rural Credit , An Introduction; Icfai Books Publications. 8. Astha Ahuja; Agriculture and Rural Development in India; New Century Publications, New Delhi. 9. Y.P.Singh, Indian Village:2020 Vol.I &II Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.

Kurukshetra, A journal of rural development, Vol 54, No. 10, August 2006 Verma SB, Rural Development; Deep &Deep Publications Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2005 Ed.) Singh YP; Indian Village: 2020, Vol I &II, Concept Publishing Company New Delhi-110059(2006 Ed.)

Suggested Reading
Chambers Roberts; 1983; Rural Development; Longman Publications. Institution and development capabilities of the poor, Sunil Ray, August 2002, Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur. Gujit Irene, Shah Meera Kaul; 1998; The Myth of Community_Gender issues in Participatory Development; Vistaar Micro- planning in panchayats- Cases from states, PRIA Model of development search for alternatives, S.P.Verma, 1984, Institute of Development studies, Jaipur

Recommended Journals
Economic and Political Weekly, Kurukshetra, A Journal on Rural Development( Monthly), Yojna- A development Monthly, International journal of Rural Management

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