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Despite its complexity, the human body is composed * •

of only four basic types of tissue: epithelial ,connective
.,muscular, and nervous

These tissues, which all contain cells and molecules of *

the extracellular matrix (ECM),exist in association with
one another and in variable proportions and
morphologies, forming the different organs of the
• Epithelial tissue

• Connective tissue

• Muscle tissue

• Nervous tissue

-The shapes and dimensions of epithelial cells are quite variable,

ranging from tall columnar to cuboidal to low squamous
- The cell’s size and morphology are generally dictated by
their function.

-Epithelial cell nuclei vary in shape and may

be elliptic (oval), spherical, or flattened.

- Nuclear shape corresponds roughly to cell shape; tall cells have elongated nuclei and
squamous cells have flattened nuclei. Cuboidal or pyramidal
cells usually have more spherical nuclei
*Most epithelia rest on connective tissue that contains
the microvasculature bringing nutrients and O 2 to both tissues.

-Even thick epithelia do not themselves normally contain

blood vessels.

-The connective tissue that underlies the

epithelia lining the organs of the digestive, respiratory, and
urinary systems is called the lamina propria .

- The area of contact between the epithelium and connective tissue may be
increased by irregularities at the interface in the form of small
evaginations called papillae.

-Papillae occur most frequently in epithelial tissues subject to friction, such as

the covering of the skin or tongue.
• EPITHELIUM consists of cells arranged in continuous sheets, in
either single or multiple layers.
• surfaces of epithelial cells :
• Epithelial tissue may be divided into two types:
(1) Covering and lining epithelium
- outer covering of the skin and some internal organs
- inner lining of blood vessels, ducts, and body cavities,
interior of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive

(2) Glandular epithelium : its an epithelial tissue involved

in the production and release of different secretory products
ex. Sweat , saliva , hormone.
Its arranged into structures known as glands.
*Unlike the other tissue types (epithelium, muscle, and
nerve), which consist mainly of cells, the major constituent of
. connective tissue is the extracellular matrix (ECM)

Extracellularmatrices consist of different combinations of protein

.fibers (such as collagens and elastic fibers) and ground substance

Ground substance is a Gel-like substance in the extracellular space that *

contains of all components of extracellular matrix except the fibrous
materials such as (collagen , elastic fibers)
Connective Tissue
*:Muscle tissue
There are three types of muscle tissue in the* •
: body

. Skeletal muscle -1 •
. cardiac muscle -2 •
. smooth muscle -3 •
: Skeletal muscle .1
:Cardiac muscle .2
Smooth .3
: muscle
Nervous T.
The human nervous system, by far the most complex system*
in the body, is formed by a network of many billion
nerve cells ( neurons ), all assisted by many more supporting
cells called glial cells

Anatomically, the general organization of the nervous system has two*

:major divisions
Central nervous system (CNS) , consisting of the ■
brain and spinal cord
Peripheral nervous system (PNS) , composed of the ■
cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves conducting
impulses to and from the CNS (sensory and motor
nerves, respectively) and ganglia that are small groups
.of nerve cells outside the CNS
Cells in both central and peripheral nerve tissue are of*
two kinds: nerve cells , or neurons , which usually show
, numerous long processes; and various glial cells (Gr. glia
,glue), which have short processes, support and protect neurons
,and participate in many neural activities, neural nutrition
and defense of cells in the CNS.
The functional unit in both the CNS and PNS is the neuron
or nerve cell. Some neuronal components have special
names,such as “neurolemma” for the cell membrane. Most
: neurons consist of three main parts
1-The cell body, or perikaryon, which contains the
nucleus and most of the cell’s organelles and serves as the
.synthetic or trophic center for the entire neuron

The dendrites, which are the numerous elongated processes-2 ■■

extending from the perikaryon and specialized to
receive stimuli from other neurons at unique sites called
The axon (Gr. axon, axis), which is a single long process-3
ending at synapses specialized to generate and conduct
nerve impulses to other cells (nerve, muscle, and gland
cells). Axons may also receive information from other
neurons, information that mainly modifies the transmission
of action potentials to those neurons.
neuroglia cell
microglia ependymal cell

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