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Learn words related to nutrition.
Use these words in context

Identify the foods in the picture.

Which of these foods do you
eat ?

Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-ND

What types of restaurants are these?
What is your favorite fast food restaurant?

Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-NC

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these types of restaurants?

What do we need to do as consumers to remain healthy?

What is nutrition?
What is nutritious food?

On a 1 to 5 scale,
how do you consider
your nutrition?
1 Very bad
2 Bad
3 Good
4 Very Good
5 Excellent Esta foto de Autor desconocido está bajo licencia CC BY-ND
Why is junk food unhealthy?

Watch the video and answer the questions below.

What do we need food to supply us with?

What are nutrients used for?

Why can’t junk food help us build our body and fuel it?

What doesn’t junk food give us?

How can you have energy to play?

How does junk food make you feel?

What do you need to eat more?

Enjoy your meal!/Nutrition. Mark the sentences below as true or false
Many people go on diets to lose weight._________
A sweetener is made of sugar._____________
All hamburgers are healthy food. ________
People lose weight by eating a lot.__________
A salad only contains vegetables. _____________
Eating healthy food gives you energy._________
Fat-free foods are good for people who want to gain weight. ___
Eating light will help you lose weight. ______
Low-fat foods are good for everyone. _______
Salt-free foods are good for people with high-blood pressure.____
Enjoy your meal!/Nutrition
Use the words below to talk about your experiences
Enjoy your meal!/ Nutrition
Answer the questions.
What is your favorite low-fat food?
Why do you like it?
How often do you use sweetener?
What is your favorite salad?
Where can you get healthy food in Tegucigalpa?
In your opinion, what types of food are contributing to obesity in this country?
What can be done to reduce obesity?
Enjoy your meal/Nutrition
Group work. Work with three other partners. Use at least six of the words below to create a list
of 6 suggestions to have a healthy body.

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