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1. Many innocent bystanders were injured by the explosion.

2. The students volunteered to canvass for the new political party.

3. He was born in an oppressed and downtrodden family.

4. Storms and mudslides eroded the roads badly.

5. The gruesome crime rocked the ordinarily quiet neighbourhood.

6. It must have been the gloom of the house and the rain that made me feel so

7. The climbers were exhausted by their ordeal and fell asleep quickly.

8. Despite stern warning from his doctor, Reggie persists in his bad eating habits.

9. Let’s not quibble over details.

10.This discussion is of vital importance to the nation.

1. Bystander (n) one who looks or observes without taking part.

2. Canvass (v) to go through an area in order to procure votes.

3. Downtrodden (adj) treated unfairly and cruelly.

4. Erode (v) to wear away gradually.

5. Gruesome (adj) horrible, revolting or ghastly.

6. Melancholy (adj) sad, gloomy, unhappy

7. Ordeal (n) a difficult or painful experience

8. Persist (v) to continue steadily / refuse to stop or be changed

9. Quibble (v) raising minor or petty objections

10. Vital (adj) necessary to life/ essential 

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