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Die Komplete daten analytics

Die Komplette daten
analyse lebenszuklus
Kurze notizen zu vier kursReihen

• Reihe 1 : Praktische Statistik für

• Reihe 2 : Programing Sprache
für data science
• Reihe 3 :Visualisierung von Daten
mit Tableau und power BI tools

• Reihe 4 : Machine learning

Übersicht , was wir uns nach Komplette aller
KursReihe lernen können ?

1- Practical Statistics for data analysis .

2- Programming for data analysis .

3- The art of Visualizing Data or INFORMATION to make your data have

simple meaning for common audience.

4- Data Visualization and Visual Analytics and difference between them .

5- Machine learning and artificial intelligence .

FAQ AND interview questions

FAQ are :
1- Available Jobs for data analysis and machine learning .
2- Why we need programming for data analysis ?

3- Difference between data analysis and data scientist .

4- What is Big data ?
Be patient for interview questions

After completing all our

Course track we will study
Together interview
Questions .

Why ?
In the next video we will speak about JOBS
For data science and its effect in market place

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