Presentation On: Web Based Food Portal

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Web Based Food Portal
Present by: Rabin Bhandari
ID: 77203023
The British College

 Introduction
 Aims
 Objectives
 Project Plan
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Testing
 Future Works

 Food Portal is the portal that make food available at your place anywhere.
 Developed to provide quality food to people.
 It is an Online base application for shopping product that implies the healthy
 Type of Orders: Meat, Vegetables, Herbs and Fruits.
 Its different from other because it provide detail information about products
e.g. calories, vitamins, etc.

 User friendly interface.

 User login and new register is available.
 They can add the products in cart.
 Total cost of user is displayed.
 Online shopping.
 Provide the home delivery system with easy transitions called cash on

 To promote easy shopping.

 To make available of quality of product.
 To aware people about righteous way of consuming the food.

Project –
 To promote the Green IT concept
 To make automate system for user to do transactions.
 To provide the quality products and services.
 To encourage online shopping with normal UI design.
 To improve nutrition knowledge and practices.
 To increase production and consumption of nutritious varieties through technology set.
Development method used
Waterfall method

Initial class Diagram


 Use cases of Visitor

Events/steps defining the
interactions between a
role and a system to
achieve a goal

 Use case of customer


 Use case of admin

 Structural Design
It’s the skeleton or
blueprint of our
project through which
we develop our
project or products.
For the structural
design I had used the:

Class and diagram


 Behavioral Design
It capture all the
dynamic or changing
behavior of system.
Dynamic behavior
means changeable
value or state. So to
illustrate it I have
design the:
 Activity diagram
 Sequence diagram

Activity diagram

 Sequence

Visitor sequence diagram


Admin Sequence Diagram


Customer Sequence Diagram


 Database Design
It’s the database
structure of my
project. It include
all the information
about data and
database like its
data type length
and so on. To design
it I have made the:
 ER model


 Development Environment
 PHP as main programming language
 CI as frameworks
 MVC as Design pattern
 Sublime text as text editor.
 XAMPP as cross-platform web server
 Visual Paradigm CE as the drawing tools.

 User manual/ training

For the visitor and customer user training.

User guide for visitor and cutomer


 User training for the admin

Admin user manual

Future Works

 Emailing the receipt of bill to the client in PDF file.

 Client could comment and rate the software as they feel.
 Super Admin has the right to create up to two admin if he needs.
 The system can be made more intelligent by using artificial intelligence.

 The Project “Food Portal” has been implemented.

 The Software developed can function all the key feature for users.
Any Question???

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