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• Discuss the different ways of Gamifying your classroom to create an

atmosphere of excitement
• Explain the elements of Gamification
• State the difference between Games, Game based learning and
• Discuss some examples of Gamification in Classroom

What is Gamification?
• Gamification in education means that educators apply game design
elements to an educational setting.
Why Gamify?
• Students are used to playing games
• Improve young learners' creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving
• The goal is usually to make learning more engaging.
• to increase engagement through the use of competition (both individual
and class-wide), creativity, student-led learning, and immediate feedback.
Difference between Games, Game based-
Learning and Gamification
• Games – Entertainment
• Game-based Learning – uses actual games to meet learning objectives
• Gamification – adding games elements to your course
Different Elements of Gamification

In essence, gamification badges are
gamification elements in the form
of rewards that symbolize the
achievements of learners.
They provide immediate
feedback, satisfaction, and reinforce
positive behavior. Students can be
given points as rewards for
completing tasks, participating in
discussions, and achieving learning
Competition is when students
are “constrained from impeding
each other and instead devote the
entirety of their attentions to
optimizing their own
performance.” (Crawford, 2003).
Gamification can also be used
to encourage collaboration
between students, as they can
work together to achieve goals
or compete against each other
on leaderboards.
• One of the best examples that teachers use gamification is something
called experience points, and then translate to actual Grades on students,
these points are earned by completing a number of assignments, test, the
more points earned, the higher grades the students will received.
• Suppose you are a teacher already, give an examples/example on how you
gamify your classroom to create an atmosphere of excitement

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