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Assessment task

I. Multiple choice test. Chose the letter of the correct

1. If teacher gives a diagnostic test, what does she want
to know?
A. Learner’s readiness for the lesson
B. Parts of the lesson that the learner’s don’t understand
while teaching-learning is in progress
C. What grade/mark to give the learner’s
D. What assignment to give for lesson mastery
2. Teacher is surprised to find out lack of
lesson mastery at the end of chapter. What
type of the assessments did she fail to do?
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Summative assessment
d. Formative and summative
3. On which type assessment are grades based?
a. Diagnostic assessment
b. Formative assessment
c. Summative assessment
d. Formative and summative
4. Which statement on assessment is correct?
a. Diagnostic and formative assessments when done well
lead to favorable summative assessment results,
b. Good diagnostic and formative assessments do not
necessarily lead to good summative results
c. Diagnostic, formative and summative assessments are
independent of one another
d. Between and formative assessments, only formative
assessments has an influence on summative assessment
5. Which tests are said to be decontextualized?
a. Simple recall texts
b. Test that measure HOTS
c. Performance
d. Simulation
6. Which test item belongs to a contextualized test?
a. What is assessment
b. Formulate a test item that is aligned with this learning
outcome: Design an experiments to determine the
effect of detergent on plants
c. Why was the turtle mad at the monkey?
d. What are the characteristics of a quality assessment?
7. In which assessment do you compare the performance of
a student with that of others?
a. criterion-referenced assessment
b. Norm-referenced assessment
c. Contextualized assessment
d. Decontextualized assessment
8. The following are current trends in assessment
A. Clarifying with students intended learning outcomes
expected to be achieved
B. Teacher sharing scoring rubrics with students only
during summative assessment
C. Makin use of a combination of written objectives tests
and performance tests
D. Engaging students in the self-assessment process
9. Ideally, in which part of the lesson are students
I. At the beginning of the lesson to set targets
II. During the lesson to determine progress
III. At the end of the lesson to reflect on their
a. I,II and III b. II and III
b. I and II c. I and III
10. In a parents’-teachers conferences, a parent raised a
Complaint of her daughter who did not know how she
was graded because teacher did not present the scoring
rubric. Teacher explained to the parent that she does not
make scoring rubric public. Is the teacher right?
a. yes, she is
b. No, she isn’t.
c. Yes, if the class is unruly
d. No, she isn’t right, if the class is behaved.
II. Reflect
1. Reflect on your life as a student. Did you welcome
assessment? If you had a choice, would you rather not
subject yourself to an assessment process? Why or why
2. “ I enjoy teaching but assessing and correcting papers
reduce my love for teaching “ is this true of you?

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