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Testosterone causes pre-natal development of male genitalia and both sperm production and development of

male secondary sexual characteristics during puberty.

The testes develop from the
embryonic gonads when the the
embryo is becoming a fetus.

The testes secrete

testosterone which
causes the male
genitalia to develop.
At puberty the secretion of testosterone
increases causing:
• The primary sexual characteristic of sperm
production in the testes
• Development of secondary sexual
characteristics such as enlargement of the
penis, growth of pubic hair and deepening of
the voice
7 Estrogen and progesterone cause pre-natal development of female reproductive organs and female secondary
sexual characteristics during puberty.

Estrogen and progesterone

In the absence of fetal testosterone
Estrogen and progesterone and the presence of maternal
are present. At first they are estrogen and progesterone, female
secreted by the first by the reproductive organs develop (ovaries
mother’s ovaries and later by develop from the embryonic gonads)
her placenta. due to:
• estrogen and progesterone
• No testosterone

At puberty the secretion of estrogen and

progesterone increases causing:
• Primary sexual characteristic of egg
• Development of female secondary
sexual characteristics such as
enlargement of the breasts and growth
of pubic hair
Annotate diagrams of the male and female reproductive system to show names of structures and their functions.

Can you label and annotate the diagram of the female reproductive system?
a. uterus
• Provides protection, nutrients and waste removal
for the developing fetus
• Muscular walls contract to aid birthing process
b. fallopian tube (oviduct)
• Connects the ovary to the uterus
• Fertilisation of the egg occurs here
c. ovary
• (meosis) eggs stored, develop and mature
• Produced estrogen and progesterone
d. endometrium (lining of the uterus)
• develops each month in readiness for the
implanation of a fertilised egg
• (site of implantation becomes the placenta)
e. cervix f. vagina
• Muscular opening/entrance to the uterus • Accepts the penis during sexual intercourse and
• Closes to protect the developing fetus and opens sperm are recevied here
to form the birth canal • With the cervix forms the birth canal
g. kidney h. ureter
i. bladder j. urethra
Annotate diagrams of the male and female reproductive system to show names of structures and their functions.

Can you label and annotate the diagram of the male reproductive system?
a. Vas deferens (sperm duct)
• carries sperm to the penis during ejaculation
b. Prostate gland
• Adds alkaline fluids that neutralise the vaginal
c. urethra
• Delivers semen during ejaculation and urine
during excretion
d. Penis/erectile muscle
• Muscles become erect to penetrate the vagina
during sexual intercourse
• Delivers sperm to the top of the vagina
e. Seminal vesicle f. epididymis
• adds nutrients including fructose sugar for • Sperm mature here and become able to move
respiration • Sperm stored awaiting ejaculation
• Adds mucus to protect sperm
g. testis (pl. testes) h. scrotum
• Produces (millions) of sperm (every day) • Protects and holds the testes outside the body (to
• Produces testosterone maintain a lower optimum temperature for sperm
The menstrual cycle is controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms involving ovarian and pituitary
The menstrual cycle is controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms involving ovarian and pituitary
The menstrual cycle is controlled by negative and positive feedback mechanisms involving ovarian and pituitary

Explain the role of hormones in the regulation of the menstrual cycle

FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland;

estrogen and progestin are produced by the ovary;
FSH stimulates the ovary to promote development of a follicle;
The developing follicles secrete estrogen, which inhibits FSH (negative feedback);
Estrogen stimulates growth of endometrium;
Estrogen stimulates LH secretion (positive feedback);
LH stimulates follicle growth and triggers ovulation;
(the secondary oocyte leaves the ovary and) follicle becomes corpus luteum;
The corpus luteum secretes estrogen and progesterone;
Estrogen and progesterone maintain the endometrium;
Estrogen and progesterone inhibit LH and FSH (negative feedback);
After (two weeks) the corpus luteum degenerates progesterone and estrogen levels fall;
This triggers menstrual bleeding, the loss of endometrium;
The pituitary gland secreted FSH and LH, as they are no longer inhibited (and the menstrual
cycle continues);

May credit marks that are clearly drawn and correctly labelled on diagrams or flow charts
Causes of infertility:
• Ova not maturing or being released
• Abnormality in uterus prevents
• Antibodies in cervical mucus impair

• Unable to achieve an erection or normal
Two tailed sperm,
• Low sperm count or sperm are
unable to swim abnormal with low motility
• Blocked vas deferens
In vitro fertilization (IVF)

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