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Technique to calculate

Trustworthiness of Server
based on important factors

Shizza Fatima

• Cloud computing is becoming an evolution as it provides us resources

at a high level of efficiency as it uses a pay-as-you-go business model
• Cloud or Fog computing is a way by which we get services like
storage, processing etc.
• Based on specific characteristics of cloud computing, its different
service and deployment models and frameworks are also designed
• All of these models have their distinct characteristics but share few

• Before this communication it is important ensure that the

service provider is trustworthy
• Choosing the right service model depends on a particular factor,
including a trade-off between cost, complexity, and security
• While calculating the trustworthiness of a server/client
we consider few factors
• Based on these factor we will calculate the trust value of server
• So first of all, we will find those factors
Literature Review

• In literature review more than thirty papers are studied

and important factors are extracted based on their
• 59 factors are collected based on which we adopt cloud as
trustworthy model
Quality Assessment

•Table 2 Quality Assessment

S. No.  Quality Assessment Criteria Questions  Score  Criteria Questions 
Yes=1, Partial=0.5, 
QA 1  Is study related to cloud computing?  No=0 

Yes=1, Partial=0.5, 
QA 2  Is study related to cloud adoption factors?  No=0 

Does the study provide cloud trustworthiness answer? Yes=1, Partial=0.5, 

QA 3  No=0 

Does the study discuss the cost effectiveness of cloud Yes=1, Partial=0.5, 
QA 4  trust?  No=0 
Category    Factors 
DF1  Relative Advantage 
DF2  Complexity 
DF3  Compatibility 
DF4  Technical Readiness 
DF5  Security 
DF6  Privacy 
DF7  Trust 
DF8  Cost Effectiveness 

DF10  Technical Risk 
DF11  Trail Availability 

Technological Factors  DF12  Flexibility 
DF13  Observability 
DF14  Data Sensitivity 
DF15  Customization 
DF16  Interoperability 
DF17  Location of data canter 
DF18  Loss of control 
DF19  Vendor lock-in 
DF20  Information Intensity 
DF21  Quality of service 
DF22  Trust 
DF23  Internet Connectivity 
DF24  Top Management Support 
DF25  Organizational Readiness 
DF26  Firm Size 
DF27  Collaboration and Sharing 
DF28  Provider Support 
DF29  Vendor Credibility 

Trust Organizational Factors 


Prior IT Experience 

Organizational Structure 
DF32  Service Level Agreement 
DF33  Role of Consultancy Firm 
DF34  Business Process 
DF35  Standardization  
DF36  Employee Knowledge 
DF37  Business Strategy 
DF38  Training and Education 
DF39  Competitive Pressure 

DF40  Trading Partner Pressure 

DF41  Compliance  

DF42  Best Practices 

Legal Issues 

Environmental Factors  DF44  Regulation and Policy 

Factors DF45  Market Support 

DF46  Government Support 

DF47  Political Orientation 

DF48  Ethical Orientation 

DF49  Business Concern 

DF50  Perceive Benefit 
DF51  Perceived Attitude 
DF52  Perceived Usefulness 
Individual Factors  DF53  Perceived Ease of use 

Trust DF54  End-user satisfaction 

Factors DF55  End-user involvement 

DF56  Innovativeness and personal attitude 
DF57  Capability 
Providers DF58 
Characteristics  Reputation 
DF59  Computing Support 
Proposed Methodology

• We will take those factors which gives high frequency and

effecting the trust value while adopting cloud computing
• Let suppose we set a value of 13 as we got 22 highest value in
our results
• We will calculate these factors each time when server and client
will communicate
• A survey will be conducted each time and trust value will be
Proposed Methodology

• To ensure that if client has given fair response or not we will see the
relativity of responses. 

• If given responses vary in ratio of 90:10 we will ignore 10% of irrelevant


• And again trust value will be calculated using average formula


• May have some limitations but unique in its nature

• Although factors are universal to some extant but Survey
• Thank You

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