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DMIoT, School of Computing

Information Technology Academic Program

IT Post Graduate program

Research Proposal
Title: -Real-time Driver Sleepiness Detection and Classification Using Deep
Learning Approach

1 By:-

Name:- Getaneh Awoke

Email:- Advisor : Metages M.(

Debre Markos, Ethiopia
April, 2023
set by G.A 05/01/2023
 Introduction

 Literature Review

 Statement of the problem

 Objective

 Methodology

 Scope of the study

 Significance

 Contribution

set by G.A
 Vision-based systems are more popular and used in different applications
such as industry, transportation, airport, security …etc.
 In traffic control, sleep deprivation affects our ability to respond to and
perform well in tasks .
 It increases human errors, reaction time, and time to complete tasks.
 It can affect performance in tasks and create hazards to safety.
 Sleepiness can increasing sleep due to decreased physiological arousal.
 It decrease level of awareness
 It might be caused by an absence of rest, medicine, substance misuse, or
a cerebral issue.
 It results physical and psychological failure

set by G.A
4 Con’t…
 The complexity of failures in attention caused by in sleep
 It cause different accidents at work and in our daily lives.
 It decrease respond to stimuli in a timely fashion.
 The development of technology allows introducing advanced
solutions in everyday.
 To achieve this, the researcher will propose for detect and classify
sleepiness of drivers to control traffic accidents.
 identify the important sleepiness character that occurs.

set by G.A 05/01/2023

 The researcher will try to identify the abnormal activity from
 Seating and head posture of the driver, the eye track during the driving
time by plugging and configuring HD camera.
 The data will be collect from five positions as front, right side, left side,
down or up face position.
 To achieve this study, the researcher will propose the model uses YOLO
for real time feature extraction, processing for image data and some other
algorithm to compare better accuracy.

set by G.A 05/01/2023

Literature Review
 Many works can be done previous regarding to driver drowsiness detection systems
and also several methods which use different approaches to detect the sleepiness signs.
 To reduce the occurrence of such problem on traffic accidents, many research was done
 An efficient and reliable algorithm to detect driver sleepiness.
 Based on physiological indicators, physical and mental state of the driver, machine
vision using linear discriminate analysis, support vector machine and CNN.
 Most researcher were used Haar Algorithm, Ad boost, Gabor Filter with eyes closing
for longer than normal, slow blink time, touching or rubbing eye area feature
 The previous researcher cannot use real time algorithm for frame extraction and data
processing. So, the researcher take as a gap.

set by G.A 05/01/2023

Summary of Literature Review
7 Author’s Title of the Methods of feature Algorithm used Result Gaps
name extraction
Zuopeng Zhao, Driver Fatigue • Multi-task CNN for face • EM-CNN, • Accur • Feature use only
and Zhongxin Detection Based on detection for feature point • AlexNet, acy form eye and
Zhang Convolutional location and interest of • VGG-16, 93.623 mouth states
Neural Networks region such as • ResNet50 % • Open / close
Using EM-CN • mouth opening degree and
PERCLOS over time.

Elena Magán , M. Driver Drowsiness • Driver’s feature from eyes • Use RNN and • Accur • It uses only eye
Paz Sesmero, Juan Detection by and mouth as acy of mouth tracking
Manuel Alonso- Applying Deep • Average blink , CNN 71% • It Use LSTM,
Webber Learning Techniques • Number of micro- fuzzy logic for
to Sequences of sleeps, data process
Images • Number of yawns ,
• Time spent yawning
V B NavyaKiran, Driver Drowsiness • Open Pose model for face • Machine learning • Accur • It only use facial
Raksha R, Detection posture and as PERCLOS acy of expression
AnisoorRahman , • haar feature extraction. algorithm, 77%
Varsha K N • HAAR based
Statement of the problem
 Driver exhaustion and sleepiness contributors to automobile accidents.
 As a driver falls asleep, the car loses its control and crashes into another
vehicle or stationary,
 In traffic monitoring, driver sleepiness affects ability to respond to and
perform well in tasks.
 It increases human errors, reaction time, and time to complete tasks.
 It decrease respond to stimuli in a timely fashion.
 Sleepiness mostly the result of fatigue both mental and physical as
 Physical failure of a muscle to perform ideally.
 Failure to keep up ideal psychological execution.
 The solutions will be implementing a real time sleepiness detection system.

set by G.A
Research question
 Therefor in this thesis, the main question is formulated as follows:
 How can the model that detects and classifies sleepy driving of the
driver to be designed?
 In order to answer the main question, the following sub-questions are
 What are the current approaches to address the risks and challenges
faced in driver sleepiness detection in cars?
 What are the possible driver seating positions, head orientation and
eye-tracks used for driving?
 What type of deep learning approaches are solutions would best fit
the system?

set by G.A 05/01/2023

 The main objective of the study will be focuses on
 Developing Real Time Driver Sleepiness Detection and Classification
Using Deep Learning Approach.
 To satisfy the above main objective, the researcher specifically focus:-
 To investigate the physical changes of driver for sleepiness using HD
 To organize driver possible image or frame for training
 To build a model to detect sleepiness using driver feature.
 To compare an algorithm to classifies the abnormal activity of drivers
 To evaluate the model using evaluation method
 To test model using testing data
set by G.A 05/01/2023
Proposed Architecture


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 Phase1: Video acquisition taking the video and image data from the
driver’s car, use HD camera.
 Phase2: Frame extraction using image labeling software
 Phase3: Feature extraction.
 Phase4: Data mixing camera image and video extracted frame
 Phase5: Preprocessing like noise removal, segmentation, augmentation
 Gaussian filter, Candy Edge Detection, and Microsoft Office Picture
 Phase6: Model training
 Phase7: Classification

set by G.A 05/01/2023

13 Scope of the study
 The study will be identify best real-time driver detection and
classification deep learning approaches on cars like
 Bus, taxi, mini-bus, automobile, and other cars by identifying and
detecting possible
 Seating and head position, and eye track for sleepiness.
 use image and video data and take from five dimensions.
 Build a model to classify correctly the normal and abnormal activities,
then classify.

set by G.A 05/01/2023

Significance of the study
 This study will have significance for several stakeholders such as driver,
passenger, car and the car own error society as a whole.
 Even though the driver’s safety is improving in road and vehicle design,
the total number of serious crashes is still increasing.
 Improve their driving habits.
 Reducing the number of car crashes.
 Improve driver’s attention from alcohol, aging, distraction and fatigue.
 Increase self-efficacy and capability of driver in their driving.
 Provide information to the passenger.

set by G.A 05/01/2023

15 Contribution
 The key contributions of the researcher will
 Analysis of the characteristics of driver sleepiness and its
 Extraction of driver sleepiness features using a standard
 Construction of a large dataset of actual driver videos and
 Better classification of driver’s state

set by G.A 05/01/2023


h r
T r Yo !!!
F o nt i o n
t te
set by G.A
A 05/01/2023

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