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Read the following conversations.

Rica: Good morning, Lina. How are you?

Lina: Good morning too, Rica! I am fine.
Rica: How was your birthday?
Lina: Very memorable!
Rica: What made it memorable?
Lina: My aunt in America greeted me.
My uncle promised to send me a walking doll.
Rica: What about your mother, what did she give you?
Lina: She didn’t give me anything but she cooked my favorite food.
My father harvested fruits in the farm. Everybody enjoyed eating the fruits.
Rica: That’s wonderful! I’m happy for you. Belated happy birthday!
Lina: Thank you, Rica.
Rica: You’re welcome.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the underlined sentences in the dialog?
2. What are the verbs in the sentences?
3. When did the actions happen?
4. What are the simple forms of the verbs greeted, promised,
cooked, harvested, and enjoyed?
5. What letters are added to form the past tense?

Regular verbs use –ed or –d to tell past

action. The spelling changes when we add –
ed or –d.
Complete the sentences by writing the past form of the verb on
your notebook.

1. Last vacation, my mother _______(receive) a gift box

from her sister in America.
2. She _____(open) it with great joy.
3. My sister _____(dance) with joy because of her new bag.
4. My brother _____(look) for his pair of shoes in the box.
5. We _____(call) my Aunt to thank her for the surprise.
Complete the story using the verbs found in the box.

called shoutedlaughed stoppedcleaned

One day, Mother and Mario _______the house. Mother

_______ because she saw a snake. Mario ________ Father
because he was afraid of it. Father ________ at them because
it wasn’t real, it was only a toy. All of them ________working.
Pick out the misspelled verbs in the past tense below. Then
write the correct spelling on the right side of each word.

Prepared danced missed cleaned helped Pushed

sleepd roasted remembered past Buildt asked

swam delivered visited

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