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March 2023

Why was Pre-Technical

Studies made one of the
subjects in JSS?
Rationale for Pre-Technical Studies in JSS

• Pre-Technical Studies as a compulsory subject in JSS (Grade 7-9). It is

anchored on the Economic pillar of Kenya Vision 2030 and the
recommendations by Sessional Papers No 1 of 2005 and No 1 of 2019
which recommended the promotion of technical and vocational
training with an emphasis on Science, Technology and Innovation
(ST&I) in the school curriculum.
• The subject builds up on skills acquired in Science & Technology in
Upper Primary, Grades 4 to 6.
• It equips the learner with foundational knowledge, skills, attitudes and
values which are a prerequisite for selection of subjects in Senior
School such as metalwork, woodwork, electricity, aviation technology,
building construction, power mechanics, leatherwork, culinary arts,
hairdressing & beauty therapy, marine & fisheries, manufacturing,
media technology among others. These are subjects offered in the
Technical, Engineering track and CTS tracks of the STEM pathway at
Senior School (Grades 10-12).
• Learners also acquire hands-on skills as they are exposed to practical
*The learner will select one of
the optional Learning Areas
*The learner
will select
one of the
Learning Areas
Organization of Srands and Sub Strands
There are 5 strands and each Strand has sub-strands as outlined in the table
1. i. Personal safety
SAFETY ii.Injuries
2. i.Common materials
MATERIALS ii. Metals
iii.Non metals
iv.Project activity 1
3.TOOLS i. Household hand tools
ii. Farming hand tools
iii.Project activity 2
4. i. Types of drawings
DRAWING ii. Drawing instruments and equipment
iii.Free hand sketching
iv.Geometrical construction
v. Project activity3


4. i. Sources of energy
ENERGY RESOURCES ii. Uses of energy
iii.Project activity 4
Unique Features of Pre-Technical Studies

What makes Pre-Technical

Studies different from other
STEM subjects?
Unique Features of Pre-Technical Studies Grade 7 Curriculum

• Pre-Tech Studies is an integrated subject which equips learners with

basic technical skills in preparation for Senior School level
• The content builds the foundation for TVET as learners proceed to
Senior School and beyond
• It has introduced projects and practical work using locally available
resources in school and the community
• Competences, PCIs and Values have been infused in the learning
outcomes and learning experiences
Suitable transformative learning approaches
To deliver this content, the teacher may use the following transformative
approaches for learning:
• Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) is the recommended approach for teaching Pre-
Technical Studies. It emphasizes on the importance of active involvement of
learners in constructing knowledge for themselves. The curriculum has
balanced both theory and practice/projects, therefore learning shall be
• Project Based Learning: The teacher shall guide the learner to identify a
problem in their community which requires a solution. This allows the learner
to analyse real-world situations and recommend solutions. It can be especially
effective for developing problem-solving skills.
• Collaborative learning: The teacher shall organize the learners to discuss in groups the
materials they have identified, and categorise them into either metals or non-metals. The
learner will work with others to complete the given tasks, thus allowing the learner to
develop social and communication skills.
• Team teaching: The teachers can team up, plan together and support each other in teaching
different strands and sub strands in the curriculum
• Engineering Design Process: This is the creative process of turning abstract ideas into
physical products or systems. Learners apply their creative energies to produce products or
systems that meet human needs.
• Industrial visits/Field trips/Excursions

Teachers are encouraged to develop learning activities while taking into consideration their
learners’ diverse learning needs
Learning resources
In the Grade 7 curriculum design, learning resources have been
suggested in every strand and sub strand. The teacher is given the
leeway to select other relevant materials available in the environment
depending on the types of learners and the learning approaches the
teacher plans to use.
The suggested resources are locally available at very low or no cost at
all. The curriculum developers have made sure that the suggested
materials are readily available in almost all sections of our country
Where to conduct Pre-tech lessons
Pre-Tech studies is allocated 4 lessons per week.
It is recommended that schools should timetable for 2 double
lessons per week.This will make it possible for the teacher to
carry out some theory work and practice during the double
The lessons will be carried out in workplaces which include;
the normal classrooms or outside the classroom at a suitable
• The alignment of learning and assessment is paramount to ensure
what learners have learned is measured accordingly, including
cognitive and social skills in real world scenarios. In this regard,
both formative and summative assessments are crucial for effective
assessment in inquiry-based learning.

• Teachers should choose among the many assessment tools at their

disposal, the one which will give the best feedback on learners’
achievement of the learning outcomes.

Pre-Tech Studies is a compulsory subject at JSS level and is allocated 4

lessons per week translating to 120 lessons per year

No Strands Grade 7
1 Safety 9 lessons
2 Materials 33 lessons
3 Tools 24 lessons
4 Drawing 35 lessons
5 Energy Resources 19 lessons
Deviations from the 8-4-4 Curriculum
• This is a new integrated learning area at Junior Secondary as
opposed to the 8.4.4 syllabus, where we have seven (7)
distinct technical subjects
• It is a compulsory learning area as opposed to the 7
technical subjects in 8.4.4 curriculum which are optional
and offered only in few schools
Thank you

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