A Pleasant Afternoon To All of You

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A pleasant afternoon to all of you

To be presented by group 1

Natural Resources of Asia

Chapter 2 : Lesson 3 East Asia: China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong

The Peoples Republic Of China

Beijing is the capital of china

Can you guess whos this man ?

His Confucius
was a thinker, political figure, educator

Legacy of china

Some of most influential Chinese

The worlds most populous and third Largest nation -it cover 1/5 of Asia

Chinese traditional dress ,customs,and facts about the dynasties of china

In China it is rude to call someone by their first

name unless you've known them since childhood. In work-related situations people address each other by their title; in social situations "Mr.," Mrs.," and "Miss" are used; at home people often refer to each other by nicknames or terms of kinship. Remember, in China, the family name is first.

Chinese also don't like it when Westerners

point at people; wear strong colognes or perfumes; put their feet or sit on desks; don't use titles or show proper respect to elders and superiors; boast and offer their opinions to readily; want immediate answers; and show a lack of patience.

Hsia c.1994-c.1523 B.C.

Natural Resources.........

China is composed of variety of landscapes with mostly plateaus and mountains in the west and lower lands on the east.

China is 3rd worlds largest producer of rice crop - Also known for large production of vegetables - Also mostly located at the east farmers raise millions of goats, pigs and sheep at steppes.

Fisheries -Varieties of fish are abundant in the northern and southern sea -Shanghai,Canton,Chefoo and Lushing remain to be principal fishing centers and areas for the processing of marine product.


10 percent of Chinas land is covered with forest

Mineral,Resources,and Power supply.

-Chinas increase in iron ore was mainly due to its rich mineral resource at the central and northern part of the country.


The Tibetan border of china is famous for its well-known panda,the giant salamander,paddle fish

When Taipei's 101 was completed in 2004 it became the world's tallest building at that time.

Is an island seperated from Mainland by Taiwan Strait -Taiwan is also known to be Formosa. Formosa in Portuguese means beautiful island

Taipei is the capital of Taiwan

Natural Reasources
Almost half of Taiwan is mountain. HsinkaoShe- which measure 3,996.84m, Is the highest peak of the land.

Vegetation and Wildlife

Almost 60% of Taiwan is covered with forest

Taiwans agricultural sector had done much for what Taiwan is economically achieving now. -Taiwan moonsoonal climate makes it possible for them to produce crops.

Forest Resources

Because of its wide forest area, Taiwan became the worlds 2nd largest producer of composition board,timber and plywood in 1969

Fish and Mineral Resources To harness its sea resources,Taiwan has considerably modernized its fishing fleets. Coal is believed to be the main mineral source of the country.

Hong Kong
Tiny island at the edge of mainland china was British colony since 1843. This territory was leased to Britain in 1898 for a period of 99 years and was returned to China in 1997. Currently an Special Administrative Region of the Peoples Republic of China.

What is Hong Kong ?

Hong Kong is a city

Under British colonization Hong Kong is called Victoria City

The hills of the island rise sharply with VICTORIA PEAK as its highest point..


Industrial expansion boomed after the Second World War , light industries,etc.. Comprise Hong Kongs industry.

Natural Reasources
Due to limited natural resources most food and raw material must be imported. -In fact ,import and export exceed the territorys gross domestic productI (GPD)- is the market value of final goodsand services produced within the country

Hong Kongs tourism has also been lucrative since then.

Hong Kong is a city therefore it has no capital.

Formosa or beautiful island

-it cover 1/5 of Asia

HsinkaoShe- which measure 3,996.84m, Is the highest peak of the land.

This territory was leased to Britain in 1898 for a period



99 years

and was returned to China in

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