Presentation KARAN UPARE

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Seminar on Internship


Roll No : 67 Div : B
T.E. Computer Engineering
Academic Year : 2022-23

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala

Introduction of Company
Internship Technology
Problem Statement
Project Objective
Methodological Details
Project Output/Result
Certificate of Internship
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Introduction of Company
We Develop Personalized Software At Our Company, We Turn The Digital Dreams Of
Our Clients Into A Reality. We Work Closely With Our Users Throughout Development To
Ensure That We Are Still Aligned With The End-Goal. We Are Committed To Producing
Exceptional Software For Each Of Our Cliients. Girish pawar being our CEO is also a
web development and designing enthusiast.
OASIS INFOBYTE is a community of diverse people coming together with similar
objectives and ultimate goals. We Develop Personalized Software At Our Company, We
Turn The Digital Dreams Of Our Clients Into A Reality. We Work Closely With Our Users
Throughout Development To Ensure That We Are Still Aligned With The End-Goal. We
Are Committed To Producing Exceptional Software For Each Of Our Clients.

Contact Info : Services.Oasisinfobyte@Gmail.Com

Location : Satya Niketan, South West New Delhi, India – 110021.

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Internship Technology
• Java Programming.
• Java is an object-oriented programming language. This means that
programs are built around objects, which are instances of classes
that encapsulate data and methods.
• Java is platform-independent. Once you have written a Java
program, it can be run on any device or operating system that has a
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) installed.
• Java has automatic memory management. This means that you
don't have to worry about allocating and deallocating memory for
objects in your program. The JVM takes care of it for you.
• Java has a rich class library. The Java API (Application
Programming Interface) includes many pre-written classes and
methods that you can use to accomplish common programming

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Problem Statement
• The fun and easy project “Guess the Number” is a short Java project that allows the
user to guess the number generated by the computer& involves the following steps:
• The system generates a random number from a given range, say 1 to 100.
• The user is prompted to enter their given number in a displayed dialogue box.
• The computer then tells if the entered number matches the guesses number or it is
higher/lower than the generated number.
• The game continues under the user guessing the number.


• We have all come across ATMs in our cities and it is built on Java. This complex
project consists of five different classes and is a console-based application. The
project allows to perform following operations:
1. Transactions History
2. Withdraw
3. Deposit
4. Transfer
5. Quit
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Project Objective
• Develop a desktop application: Develop a standalone
desktop application using Java.
• Contribute to an open source project: Contribute to an
existing open source Java project, either by submitting
bug fixes or adding new features.
• Create a mobile app: Develop a mobile app using Java
for Android or Java ME for feature phones. The app
could be a game, a productivity tool, or any other type of
mobile software.
• Create a library or framework: Develop a Java library or
framework that can be used by other developers. The
library or framework could be anything from a utility
package to a full-fledged web framework.
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
• Java Basics: Start with the basics of Java programming language, such as
data types, variables, control structures, and classes.
• Object-Oriented Programming: Explain the concepts of Object-Oriented
Programming (OOP) such as inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and
• Java Libraries: Discuss some commonly used Java libraries such as Java
Collections Framework, Java I/O, Java JDBC, Java Swing and JavaFX for
GUI programming.
• Java Web Development: Introduce the basics of web development with
Java, including Servlets, JSP, and Spring Framework.
• Best practices: Explain the best practices for Java programming, such as
using design patterns, unit testing, and code quality standards.
• Real-world Examples: Illustrate the concepts with real-world examples of
Java programming, such as developing a simple console application or
building a web application.
• Future of Java: Discuss the latest trends in Java programming such as new
features in the latest releases, Project Loom, and Quarkus.
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Methodological Details
• Talking about the methodological details , we have used a online
compiler for compiling our programs as many of us are currently
using these online IDE’s being more convenient and user
comfortable .
• IDE used - Programiz (online java compiler)
• GITHUB repository link - https://
• Demonstration video link of the tasks - https://
https:// activity-
share&utm_medium=member_desktop 8
Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Project Output/Result
• Task name - Number Guessing Game
• Output –

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Project Output/Result
• Task name - ATM interface
• Output –

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
• This internship was full of challenging opportunities and real – world
projects . It’s a fantastic opportunity to gain hands-on experience in
java development field with a great innovation team.
• This java development internship is the perfect way to get started in
your carrier and let you explore to the outside industry.
• Oasis infobyte is dedicated to helping youth, especially students,
become self aware and explore the world of technology and growth-
making fields.
• The company strongly believes in providing students with the
opportunity to learn and grow in the industrial fields, as well as bringing
them one step closer to achieving their carrier goals.
• Oasis infobyte believe that by providing young people with the tools
they need to succeed,they help them reach their full potential.

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Certificate of Internship

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala
Thank you !
Submitted to – prof.prashant raut sir.
Submitted by – mr. karan upare.
Roll no – TE B 67 .

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's ,Sinhgad Institute of Technology, Lonavala

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