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sent to jail to

By Jeniffer and Marta

The answer to the
previous question is no,
prisons do not re-educate
There are many factors that can lead a person to decide to
commit a crime. Some of the most common factors include :

• Socioeconomic status
• Peer pressure
• Substance abuse
• Mental illness
• Emotional factors
• Lack of opportunities
Prisons: Reform or Punishment?

• Prisons have failed to achieve their goal of

rehabilitating convicts and helping them become
law-abiding and productive members of society.

• 68 percent of prisoners released return to prison

for committing a new crime within three years of
leaving (US Department of Justice).
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“Former inmate arrested for sexual abuse against a child a nt o out
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month after being released for the same crime in the countryside e S en
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“In Catanduva (SP), a son stabbed his mother to death. The me
suspect had left prison under the same benefit, that of temporary ,
release. The suspect, who is believed to have killed his mother
by stabbing her, was arrested in Fronteira (MG) over the
weekend and is expected to be transferred to Catanduva (SP).”
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“Man who held Swedish woman captive is arrested, suspect to t r r e th co
already had two police records for violence against women.” em sted ree cr stum
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Putting people in jail will not stop crime, but will only stop criminals for their
sentence time. By fixing the root of the problem being their psychological
behaviour, then crime would significantly decrease as well.
How to prevent people from going to prison and encourage
them to follow the right path?

• Education and Awareness: • Mental Health Support:

• Early Intervention: • Community Support:
• Mentoring and Support: • Restorative Justice:
• Access to Resources:
Why Punishment and not Reform?

• Prison is to punish;
• Prison isn’t a vacation;
• Prison isn’t comfortable;
• Prison can lead to death;
• Prison can lead to castration;
• Prison needs to be a nightmare to a person think a lot
before to do a crime.

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