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Patterns of development in writing are different techniques
or strategies that writers use to organize their ideas and
present them effectively to their readers. These patterns of
development help writers to develop their arguments or ideas
in a logical and cohesive manner, making it easier for the
reader to understand and follow the writer's thought process.
Some common patterns of development in writing include
narration, description, definition, persuasion,
exemplification, process, cause and effect, classification and
division, comparison and contrast, and problem and solution.
These patterns can be used individually or in combination,
depending on the writer's purpose and the audience they are
writing for.
• Narration, also known as narrative writing or storytelling, is a pattern of
development that is commonly used in both fiction and non-fiction
writing. It involves telling a story or describing a series of events in a
chronological order, often from a particular point of view or perspective.
• In narration, the writer typically includes a clear beginning, middle, and
end, and uses descriptive language and sensory details to help the reader
visualize the events and feel emotionally connected to the story. The
purpose of narration may be to entertain, inform, or persuade the reader.
• Narration can take many different forms, from a personal
anecdote to a historical account to a fictional tale. It can be used
in a variety of genres, including novels, short stories, memoirs,
biographies, and even academic essays.
• Overall, narration is a powerful tool for writers to engage their
readers, create vivid imagery, and convey important information
or ideas through the art of storytelling.

When I was in high school, I had a job at a local grocery store. One
day, a customer came in looking for a specific item, but we were out
of stock. She became irate and started yelling at me, even though it
wasn't my fault. I tried to explain the situation, but she wouldn't
listen. Eventually, my manager had to intervene to calm her down.
That experience taught me that some people are unreasonable, and
it's important to stay calm and professional in difficult situations.
• Description is a pattern of development in writing that involves using sensory
details and vivid language to create a mental image of a person, place, object,
or event. The purpose of description is to help the reader to visualize and
understand the subject being described.
• In a piece of writing that uses description, the writer may use a variety of
techniques to create a sensory experience for the reader. This may include
using sensory words such as sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures to
evoke a particular mood or atmosphere. The writer may also use figurative
language such as metaphors, similes, and personification to create a more
vivid and engaging description.
• The pattern of development of description is often used in descriptive essays,
poetry, and creative writing. It can also be used in other forms of writing, such
as narratives and expository essays, to provide detail and create a more
engaging reading experience.
Examples of descriptive writing:
• A description of a beautiful sunset, using sensory details to capture the colors,
sounds, and feelings of the moment.
• A character description in a novel, using details about their appearance,
personality, and behavior to help the reader understand and relate to them.

The sun was setting over the ocean, casting a warm

orange glow over the beach. The waves crashed gently
against the shore, and seagulls flew overhead. The
sand was soft and warm beneath my feet, and the salty
smell of the sea filled the air. It was a peaceful and
beautiful moment, and I felt grateful to be alive.
• Definition is a pattern of development in writing that involves defining a
term or concept by providing clarity, explanation, and examples. The
purpose of definition is to provide a clear understanding of a term or
concept to the reader.
• In a piece of writing that uses definition, the writer may provide a
dictionary definition of the term, as well as their own interpretation and
explanation of what the term means. The writer may also provide
examples, comparisons, or contrasts to help the reader understand the
term or concept in different contexts.
• The pattern of development of definition is often used in academic writing, such
as essays, research papers, and technical reports. It can also be used in other
forms of writing, such as speeches and presentations, to clarify concepts and
Examples of definition:
• A scientific paper that defines a specific scientific term, such as "biodiversity,"
and provides examples of its importance and application.
• A legal document that defines a legal term, such as "negligence," and provides
examples of how it applies in different situations.

Social justice is a term used to describe the pursuit of

equality and fairness in society. It involves promoting the
well-being of all members of society, particularly those who
are marginalized or disadvantaged. Social justice can take
many forms, such as advocating for equal access to
education, healthcare, and legal representation.
• Persuasion is a pattern of development in writing that involves presenting
arguments and evidence in order to convince the reader of a particular point
of view or to take a specific action. The purpose of persuasion is to
influence the reader's thoughts or behavior through logical reasoning,
emotional appeals, and credibility.
• In a piece of writing that uses persuasion, the writer may use a variety of
techniques to make a persuasive argument. This may include presenting
facts and statistics, providing expert opinions or testimonials, using
emotional appeals, and anticipating and addressing potential
• The pattern of development of persuasion is often used in persuasive
essays, advertisements, speeches, and editorials. It can also be used in other
forms of writing, such as business proposals and grant applications, to make
a convincing case for a particular action or idea.
Examples of persuasion:
• A political campaign speech that seeks to persuade voters to support a
particular candidate or issue.
• An advertisement that tries to persuade consumers to buy a particular
product or service.

Vaccinations are a crucial tool in the fight against infectious

diseases. They are safe and effective, and they have saved
countless lives. If you are eligible for a vaccine, I strongly
encourage you to get vaccinated to protect yourself and
others. Together, we can help stop the spread of disease and
keep our communities healthy.
• Exemplification is a pattern of development in writing that involves providing
specific examples to support a general statement or thesis. The purpose of
exemplification is to help the reader better understand and visualize the main idea
being presented by providing concrete and relatable examples.
• In a piece of writing that uses exemplification, the writer may use a variety of
techniques to provide examples. This may include using personal anecdotes,
historical events, scientific studies, statistics, and other forms of evidence to
illustrate the main point. The writer may also use comparisons and contrasts to
help the reader better understand the significance of the examples being
• The pattern of development of exemplification is often used in argumentative
essays, informative essays, and research papers. It can also be used in other forms
of writing, such as speeches and presentations, to provide supporting evidence
and to help clarify complex ideas.
Examples of exemplification:
• An argumentative essay that uses specific examples to support a thesis, such as an
essay arguing for the importance of exercise in maintaining good health.
• A research paper that uses specific examples to support a hypothesis or theory,
such as a paper on the effects of climate change on the world's ecosystems.
Many people believe that climate change is a hoax, but the
evidence suggests otherwise. The Arctic ice cap is melting at
an alarming rate, sea levels are rising, and extreme weather
events are becoming more common. These are just a few
examples of the impact of climate change on our planet. We
must take action to reduce our carbon footprint and protect
the environment for future generations.
• Process is a pattern of development in writing that involves explaining how
something works, how to do something, or how something is made or done.
The purpose of process writing is to provide step-by-step instructions,
explanations, and details about a particular process in order to help the
reader understand it better.
• In a piece of writing that uses process, the writer may use a variety of
techniques to explain the steps involved in a process. This may include
using lists, diagrams, and visual aids to provide a clear and concise
explanation. The writer may also use transitional words and phrases to
connect the different steps in the process.
• The pattern of development of process is often used in technical writing,
instructional manuals, and how-to articles. It can also be used in other
forms of writing, such as essays and reports, to explain complex ideas or
Examples of process:
• A recipe that explains how to cook a particular dish, providing step-by-step
instructions and cooking times.
• An instructional manual that explains how to assemble a piece of furniture,
providing diagrams and clear instructions.
To make a cup of coffee, you will need to start by boiling
water in a kettle. While the water is boiling, grind coffee beans
to a medium-fine consistency. Place the grounds in a filter and
set it in a pour-over dripper. Once the water has boiled, let it
cool for a minute or two, then pour it slowly over the grounds,
making sure to wet them all evenly. Allow the coffee to drip
into a mug or carafe, then add milk and sugar to taste.
• Cause and effect is a pattern of development in writing that explores the
relationship between events or actions (causes) and their outcomes (effects).
The purpose of cause and effect writing is to examine the reasons for a
particular phenomenon or situation and to show how it can lead to certain
• In a piece of writing that uses cause and effect, the writer may present a
specific event, action, or situation, and then explain the resulting effects that
occur as a result. The writer may also explore multiple causes that can lead
to a particular effect, or multiple effects that can result from a particular
• The pattern of development of cause and effect is often used in academic
writing, such as essays and research papers, as well as in news articles and
opinion pieces. It can also be used in other forms of writing, such as
business reports and marketing materials, to analyze trends and outcomes.
Examples of cause and effect:
• A research paper that examines the causes and effects of climate change on
the environment and human society.
• A news article that explores the causes and effects of a particular political
decision or event.
• Cause and effect is a pattern of development in writing that explores the
relationship between events or actions (causes) and their outcomes (effects).
The purpose of cause and effect writing is to examine the reasons for a
particular phenomenon or situation and to show how it can lead to certain
• In a piece of writing that uses cause and effect, the writer may present a
specific event, action, or situation, and then explain the resulting effects that
occur as a result. The writer may also explore multiple causes that can lead
to a particular effect, or multiple effects that can result from a particular
• Classification and division is a pattern of development in writing that
involves grouping items, ideas, or concepts into categories and then
discussing the characteristics of each category. The purpose of classification
and division writing is to provide a clear and organized understanding of a
particular topic or subject.
• In a piece of writing that uses classification and division, the writer may
group items or concepts together based on common traits or characteristics,
and then discuss each group in detail. The writer may also use subcategories
to further organize the information and provide more specific details.
• The pattern of development of classification and division is often used in
academic writing, such as essays and research papers, as well as in business
reports and marketing materials. It can also be used in other forms of writing,
such as speeches and presentations, to clarify complex topics or ideas.
Examples of classification and division:
• A research paper that classifies different types of renewable energy sources and
divides them into subcategories based on their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
• A business report that categorizes different marketing strategies and divides them
into subcategories based on their target audience and effectiveness.

Living organisms can be classified into five main kingdoms: Monera,

Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Monera consists of single-
celled organisms such as bacteria, while Protista includes unicellular
organisms such as algae and protozoa. Fungi are multicellular
organisms that obtain nutrients by breaking down organic matter,
while Plantae are multicellular organisms that produce their own food
through photosynthesis. Finally, Animalia includes multicellular
organisms that obtain nutrients by consuming other organisms.
• Comparison and contrast is a pattern of development in writing that
involves exploring the similarities and differences between two or more
subjects. The purpose of comparison and contrast writing is to provide a
deeper understanding of the subjects being compared and to highlight their
unique qualities and characteristics.
• In a piece of writing that uses comparison and contrast, the writer may
present two or more subjects side-by-side and explore their similarities and
differences. The writer may also use a point-by-point method or a block
method to organize the information and highlight the most important
similarities and differences.
• The pattern of development of comparison and contrast is often used in
academic writing, such as essays and research papers, as well as in literary
analysis and critical reviews. It can also be used in other forms of writing,
such as business reports and marketing materials, to analyze products or
services and compare them to competitors.
Examples of comparison and contrast:
• A literary analysis that compares and contrasts the themes and characters of
two different novels.
• A product review that compares and contrasts the features and performance
of two similar products.

Shakespeare's Hamlet and Macbeth are two of his most famous

tragedies, but they differ in significant ways. Hamlet is a complex
character who struggles with indecision and self-doubt, while Macbeth
is a more straightforward character who is driven by ambition and a
desire for power. Additionally, Hamlet takes place in a castle in
Denmark, while Macbeth takes place in Scotland. Despite these
differences, both plays share themes of betrayal, revenge, and the
corrupting influence of power.
• Problem and solution is a pattern of development in writing that involves
identifying a problem or issue and then proposing one or more possible
solutions. The purpose of problem and solution writing is to provide a clear
understanding of the problem or issue, and to offer practical and effective
• In a piece of writing that uses problem and solution, the writer may start by
presenting a problem or issue, and then go on to propose one or more
possible solutions. The writer may also explore the root causes of the
problem or issue, and analyze the potential consequences of different
• The pattern of development of problem and solution is often used in academic writing,
such as essays and research papers, as well as in business reports and marketing
materials. It can also be used in other forms of writing, such as speeches and
presentations, to address complex issues and propose actionable solutions.
Examples of problem and solution:
• An essay that identifies the problem of food insecurity in a particular community, and
proposes several possible solutions, such as increasing access to affordable healthy food
or expanding food assistance programs.
• A business report that identifies a problem in the company's sales strategy and proposes
a solution, such as implementing a new marketing campaign or targeting a different
customer segment.
The high cost of textbooks is a major barrier to college students' academic success and financial
well-being. According to a recent survey, the average student spends over $1,200 per year on
textbooks and other course materials. This can be a significant burden, especially for low-income
students and those who are already struggling to pay for tuition and other expenses. To address this
problem, colleges and universities can take several steps to reduce the cost of textbooks for
students. First, they can work with publishers to negotiate lower prices for textbooks, or they can
explore alternative options, such as open-source textbooks, which are freely available to students
online. Second, they can implement textbook rental programs or textbook buyback programs to
help students save money on their textbooks. Finally, they can encourage professors to use course
materials that are available online or through the library, reducing the need for expensive textbooks
altogether. By taking these steps, colleges and universities can help ensure that all students have
access to the course materials they need to succeed, regardless of their financial circumstances.


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