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What is wrong here?
Me and my frend went too the parck yesterdai. It
was vary hot and sunny out so we were tryin too
find some shade. We decide too go over too the
lake too cool off, but wen we got there it was too
dirty too swim in. So we just sat on the bank and
talked for a wile. Then we went too get sum ice
creem and it was the best part of the day.
What makes a well-written

Coherence and Cohesion
• Coherence refers to the overall clarity and logical flow of a
text. It means that the ideas presented in the text are connected
and arranged in a way that makes sense to the reader. A text
that lacks coherence may be confusing or difficult to follow.
• Cohesion, on the other hand, refers to the use of transitional
words, phrases, and other linguistic devices that connect ideas
within a text. Cohesion helps to create a sense of unity and
flow within the text, making it easier for the reader to follow
the writer's train of thought.
Coherence and Cohesion
• In other words, coherence refers to the big picture of the text's
organization and structure, while cohesion refers to the specific
linguistic techniques that are used to connect individual ideas
within the text.
• To create a well-coordinated and cohesive text, it is important to
use transitional words and phrases such as "in addition,"
"however," and "therefore" to connect ideas within and between
sentences. The use of consistent pronouns, verb tenses, and
sentence structures can also help to maintain cohesion
throughout the text.
Coherence and Cohesion
• Incoherent: I went to the store yesterday. I saw a dog. The
dog was black. It was raining.
• Coherent: Yesterday, while it was raining, I went to the store
and saw a black dog.

• Without Cohesion: John went to the store. John bought

some apples. John paid for the apples.
• With Cohesion: John went to the store, bought some apples,
and paid for them.
Writing Mechanics
• Writing mechanics refers to the technical aspects of writing,
such as grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization,
and sentence structure. As a property of a well-written
text, writing mechanics means that the text is free of errors
in these technical aspects of writing.

• When a text has good writing mechanics, it is easier to read

and understand, and it conveys the writer's ideas more
effectively. Good writing mechanics also demonstrate the
writer's attention to detail and their professionalism.
Writing Mechanics
• In addition to being free of errors, a text with good
writing mechanics should also demonstrate appropriate
and effective use of language, such as using active voice,
varying sentence structure, and using appropriate levels
of formality for the intended audience and purpose.

• Overall, writing mechanics is an important property of a

well-written text because it contributes to the clarity,
accuracy, and professionalism of the writing.
Appropriate Language Use
• Language use refers to the choice and effective use of language in
writing. As a property of a well-written text, language use means
that the text effectively communicates the writer's message and is
appropriate for the intended audience and purpose.

• Good language use involves the use of precise and specific

vocabulary, effective use of figurative language (such as metaphors
and similes), and appropriate use of tone and voice to convey the
writer's message. The language used in a well-written text should
also be free from biases and stereotypes, and should demonstrate
cultural awareness and sensitivity.
Appropriate Language Use
• Language use also involves using appropriate levels of
formality, depending on the intended audience and purpose. For
example, a formal report intended for a business audience
would require a more formal tone and more technical language
than a personal blog post intended for a general audience.

• Overall, language use is an important property of a well-written

text because it contributes to the clarity, accuracy, and
effectiveness of the writing, and helps to engage and connect
with the intended audience.
• Organization as a property of a well-written text refers to the way in
which ideas and information are presented and arranged in the text.
A well-organized text has a clear and logical structure, with ideas
presented in a coherent and cohesive manner that is easy for the
reader to follow.

• Good organization involves using a clear and focused thesis

statement or main idea, and supporting it with well-developed
paragraphs and evidence. The text should have a clear introduction,
body, and conclusion, with transitions and connections between
ideas that help the reader follow the writer's train of thought.
• Effective organization also involves using headings,
subheadings, and other structural elements to make the text
easier to navigate and understand. For longer texts, such as
reports or research papers, the writer may also use an
outline or table of contents to guide the reader.

• Overall, organization is an important property of a well-

written text because it helps the reader to understand and
engage with the content. A well-organized text is clear,
coherent, and effective in conveying the writer's message.

Revise and Correct
Me and my frend went too the parck yesterdai. It
was vary hot and sunny out so we were tryin too
find some shade. We decide too go over too the
lake too cool off, but wen we got there it was too
dirty too swim in. So we just sat on the bank and
talked for a wile. Then we went too get sum ice
creem and it was the best part of the day.
Possible revision
My friend and I went to the park yesterday. It was
very hot and sunny outside, so we tried to find
some shade. We decided to go over to the lake to
cool off, but when we got there, the water was too
dirty to swim in. So, we just sat on the bank and
talked for a while. Then we went to get some ice
cream, which was the best part of the day.


Revise and Correct
Watch attentively to the animation videos
that will be played on the next three slides.
After watching select one animation that
you would like to video to write about by
retelling it in a form of a story. Write this on
a whole sheet of paper.


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