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No Answer Evidence (tu checked)

1 C That ‘s really too wide a focus you need to narrow it down

2 E the trade route is interesting but you wouldn’t really be talking just about Patrick ‘s seft as if
was only one of many places on the trade route
3 B But to be honest, that ‘s going to be a lot of research

4 D That is really fascinating but I’m worried that it might require some specialist knowledge of
building techniques and so on
5 G that ‘s not really suitable for your degree

6 B Simple to understand

7 D Rich people get all technology

Track 41 (1-5)
A: So, I like to talk you about my dissertation. I have to do something about the city Petra you know in Jordan but I ‘m not sure which aspects to look at.
B: OK. Yes, there ‘s plenty to write about there. What topics have you thought about?
A: Well. There ‘s historical angel. Patrick dies back to prehistory times but there ‘s a lot of information available from about 2000 years ago.
B: OK, so you have to concentrate on sometime in the last 2000 years but that ‘s still a long time with a huge number of changes happening. That ‘s really too wide a focus
you need to narrow it down. Why did Petra become well known at that time do you think?
A: Well, because of the trading route …. like its location made it an ideal place for traders to stop when they were travelling between east and west.
B: True. And the trade route is interesting but you wouldn’t really be talking just about Patrick ‘s seft as if was only one of many places on the trade route. I would rule that
one out because your topic needs to concentrate on one place.
A: OK, I ‘m also interested in the various conflicts that took place as people started to travel and mix with very different cultures.
B: Right. But to be honest, that ‘s going to be a lot of research. For such a small sub topics, these ‘s surprising large amount of material to read on it. I think it might take
too long.
A: Yes, I had noticed that so I guess that ……. Petra ‘s architecture thought it might be seen as …… obvious choice.
B: Well. There ‘s a lot potential there you could talk about the unique style of half building and half carving into the rocks
A: That is really fascinating but I’m worried that it might require some specialist knowledge of building techniques and so on. I’m interested in architecture, but my
background is more history and social studies.
B: Understood. So any other thoughts?
A: Actually, I ‘m very interested in buildings in the context of the present-day community of Petra. Apparently, people going to sleep in the cave ……… even though they
‘ve been modern houses to live in. Living in caves is very much part of their culture.
B: Well, I agree it ‘s interesting but I think you would get draw into talking about tourism and that ‘s not really suitable for your degree. I think some kind focus on the past
would be more relevant for a dissertation.

Track 39:
A: So, what will we be going focus on for Tower London presentation?
B: There are lots of aspects we could talk about but we ‘ve only got eight minutes remember. Our topic needs to be simple and attention grabbing. What about the I ….
mean the history of the Tower. You know, covering all the major events.
A: Do we think we can really cover nearly 1000 years of history in eight minutes.
C: I don’t
B: No, I … not
A: We need pacific and focus on one aspect to the Tower only. We could say “talk about the history of the beefeaters in the ravens. For example, I don’t think many people
realize that it ‘s actually the ravens who are the ones that eat the beef not the guard (linh canh).
B: That ‘s worth considering. Now I’m not sure there ‘s enough 8 minutes talk, surely, there ‘s that much to say about them.
A: OK. I take your point. I’m also interested in military history, so the fusilier museum fascinated me. We can actually do a whole presentation on the weapons…..????
B: Not everyone ‘s interested in weapons of war, we need to think of a topic with broader appeal.
A: Alright. Why don’t they conduct special ceremonies in the tower like the ceremony of the keys every evening when they close at the tower for the night. It ‘s a bit like
the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace only better that should have more general appeal.
B: But it doesn’t have that wow factor does it. Oh wait, speaking of wow factor, we haven’t mentioned the crown jewels.
A: Yes. There ‘s so much history associated with them and they still get used for state occasions like coronation in royal wedding. I can’t see anyone being bored by that
B: Hey, we can ask the other student to guess the value if some of the jewels as part of presentation. We can get a prize for the closet guess.
A: But the jewels are priceless released so it would be impossible to put an accurate value on them. Not one of your best idea.
B: OK, so something else based on what we ‘ve talked about that it should be either the beefeaters, the ceremony of the keys or crown jewels. I would have the last one
A: I still like to do fusilier museum personal speaking but, OK, let ‘s settle on crown jewels. It would probably have the universal appeal

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