Lecture 2 - Professionalism and Codes of Ethics

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HUM 4441

Professionalism and
Codes of Ethics
Story of Intel
Further reports
Intel denying the Intel refused to
suggested Intel
reports replace
knew it all along

As a result of publicity,
Reports of flawed Intel admits to flaws Intel finally
people wanted
Pentium processors but says it is rare agreed to replace

Was this ethical from Intel?

Differences between Engineering and other professions

Engineering Others

Can also be done privately

Practiced Mostly in a company
Example: Lawyers, Doctors

Finishes within 4 years of Begins after 4 years of

undergraduate undergraduate

Most engineers do not Many professions have

have engineering licences licenses as compulsory

These are aspects which are lacking in engineering

What is code of ethics?
A code of ethics spells out the ways in which moral and ethical principles apply to professional practice

Provides a framework for ethical
judgement of a professional

Decision maker
Provides a starting point for ethical
decision making.

Not a legal document

Nobody can get arrested for violating the
code of ethics

How code of ethics achieve the goals?
Code of ethics helps in achieving workplace success

Bolster subordinate’s
Creates an environment Shows professionalism
● Helps create an ● Provides backup against ● The individual is viewed as
environment where superiors providing a strictly professional
ethical behavior is the unethical orders person within the
norm organization

Objections to code
If code of ethics is so good, why doesn’t every engineer follow it?

Not member of professional

1 societies
Engineers do not feel compelled to
abide by the laws.

Lack of awareness
2 Many engineers are not aware of the
code. There is no consultation.

Can create internal conflict

3 Some codes can have internal conflict
without any resolution guideline.

Evolution of code of ethics for engineers
How the code of ethics have developed over the years

How to conduct
Safety and public health

Duties towards Environmental protection

No code of ethics

The 2 codes of ethics

Length Short; deals with generalities Long and detailed

Coverage Covers only the basics Covers all the details

Readability Understandable Unlikely to be thoroughly read

Does not mention duty to Section I.4 of NSPE mentions

employer duty to employer

There are aspects which are lacking in engineering

Resolving internal conflicts in codes
Scenario: Employer orders an engineer to implement a design that the engineer feels will be unsafe.

NSPE Clause I.4 NSPE Clause I.1

1 Engineers have duty

towards employers so 2 Safety of the public is
should go with the design.

Generalizing Hierarchy context

4 Not all cases of conflicts

can be resolved as hierarchy
3 Context of the hierarchy
shows safety will take
is not always mentioned. precedence. So should not

Read the NSPE Codes of Ethics from
Engineering Ethics Concepts and Cases
(Charles E. Harris Jr) - Appendix (Page

Thank you
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