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Engineering Economy and System


Week 9

Design for Logistics and Supportability

Learning Outcome

LO4: Analyze selected systems engineering

problems by applying tools, methodologies,
and procedures.

Industrial Engineering
A process-oriented, integrated
approach to procuring, producing, and delivering end products
and services to customers. It includes sub-suppliers, suppliers,
internal operations, trade customers, and end users. It covers
the management of materials, information, and funds flow

SCM Definition (1)

P. J. Metz, “Demystifying Supply Chain Management,” Supply Chain Management
Review,Winter 1998 (New York: Reed Elsevier, 1998).

Industrial Engineering
The systemic, strategic coordination of the traditional business
functions within a particular company and across businesses
within the supply chain, for the purposes of improving the long-
term performance of the individual companies and the supply
chain as a whole

SCM Definition (2)

J.T. Mentzer (University of Tennessee),W. DeWitt (University of Maryland), J. S. Keebler (St. Cloud State
University), Soonhong Min (Georgia Southern University), N.W. Nix (Texas Christian University), C. D.
Smith (University of San Diego), and Z. G. Zacharia (Texas Christian University), “Defining Supply Chain
Management,” Journal of Business Logistics,Vol. 22, No. 2, 2001 (Lombard, IL: CSCMP).

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering
Logistics and Supply Chain
• The logistics and supply chain activities
associated with :
• the initial purchasing and acquisition
• manufacture and/or production
• transportation and distribution
• installation of the system and its elements
at the appropriate customer (user)
operational site

Industrial Engineering
System Major Activities

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Industrial Engineering
Logistics and Supply Chain
• Aspects of the logistics supply chain (SC) throughout the
commercial sector :
• The physical supply of items from the various applicable
sources of supply to the manufacturer;
• The materials handling, associated inventories, and flow of
items throughout the production process;
• The transportation and physical distribution of finished
goods from the manufacturer/ producer to the customer’s
operational site(s)

Industrial Engineering
Logistics and supply
chain activities.

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011). Industrial Engineering Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Industrial Engineering
A System-of-systems
(SOS) Network
• A new system within the context of a system-of-systems (SOS)
network, one needs to ensure that :
• (1) the specified logistics and maintenance support
infrastructure for this new system is both effective and
efficient and is completely responsive to the new system
requirements; and
• (2) that the newly developed maintenance and support
infrastructure is compatible and does not in any way
degrade the equivalent capabilities of the other systems
with the same SOS configuration

Industrial Engineering
A System-of-systems
(SOS) Network
• A set of logistics system support may different one to another
system because the differences of:
• nationalities with different language, cultural, work-
oriented, and related unique capabilities
• the working environment (labor requirements, local and
national holidays, business and ethical practices, etc.) in
one supplier’s organization

extensive logistics delays, not providing the right support at the place and time of need, and
overall inefficiencies in logistics responsiveness in general

Industrial Engineering
A System-of-systems (SOS)

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Industrial Engineering Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter

J. (2011). Systems Engineering and Analysis
Industrial Engineering (Fifth ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey:
Pearson Education Inc.
• The measurement including : capability, availability,
and quality for each logistics activity

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Industrial Engineering Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.
Capability Measurement

To measure the ability to accomplish all of the

functions required
• e.g., purchasing, materials handling, transportation,
warehousing, and maintenance

The measurement should conduct to assess

the performance of the overall flow
• e.g., purchasing, materials handling, transportation, etc

Industrial Engineering
Availability Measurement

• To measure :
• the ability to respond to any or all of the requirements
• at any point in time when needed.

This pertains to the reliability of the flow in Figure 5, and can also
be stated in terms of operational availability (Ao).

Industrial Engineering
Quality Measurement

• Measurement the process responsiveness in terms of stated

customer objectives (e.g., performance of the right function, in
the right location, at the right time, with the right information,
and at the right value).
• This term can be related to :
• the quality rate (Q) utilized as one of the metrics in
determining the OEE for a manufacturing capability.
• There are some underlying expectations that need to be
realized from a customer satisfaction perspective, and any
deviation here would constitute a subsystem defect.

Industrial Engineering
Quality Measurement
Example :
• The response time (i.e., time to react in response
to an identified need) for the logistics and
maintenance support infrastructure shall not
exceed 4 hours.
• The total processing time, from the identification
of a need for a product (or service) to the
delivery of the product to the point of

Industrial Engineering
Quality Measurement
Example :
• The total cost of processing an item through the logistics and
maintenance support infrastructure
• The process time for removing an obsolete item from the
inventory shall not exceed 12 hours, and the cost per item
processed shall not exceed x dollars.
• The defect rate in terms of products delivered (services
provided) shall not exceed 1% per designated interval of time.

Industrial Engineering
Total Logistics Cost

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Industrial Engineering
Purchasing and Material
Flow Factors
• In the area of purchasing, there may be a number of
measures, such as :
• The time that it takes to initiate and process a purchase
• The quantity of purchase orders processed within a
designated time period.
• The quality of the purchasing process.

Industrial Engineering
Purchasing and Material
Flow Factors
• Relative to the issue of quality, the following standards
may be applied:

Delivered Delivered on
complete time

Complete & Delivered in

accurate perfect
documentation condition

Delivered in

Industrial Engineering
Transportation and
Packaging Factors

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Industrial Engineering
Transportation and Packaging
Factors Consideration
• The availability, or the probability that the appropriate
transportation capability will be available when required.
• The reliability, or given that the appropriate transportation is
available when required, the probability that it will complete
its mission as planned.
• The time that it takes to transport a product from one point to

Industrial Engineering
Transportation and Packaging
Factors Consideration
• The maintainability of a given transportation capability, or the
probability that the applicable transportation capability can
be repaired within a specified time and with the specified
resources in the event of a failure.
• The cost of transportation, or the cost per one-way trip.
• The LCC of a given transportation capability for a designated
period of time (in years).

Industrial Engineering
Warehousing and
Distribution Factors
• Warehousing is an integral part of every logistics capability. The
basic functions of warehousing are movement, storage, and
information transfer.
• The movement function can be broken down to include
activities such as the following:

Transfer/put away: Order picking: the

Receiving: the
the physical selection of
unloading of goods
movement of products from
and products
products storage

Cross-docking: the Shipping: the

movement of packing, loading on
products directly an outbound carrier,
from the inbound and shipment
Industrial Engineering
Spares, Repair Parts, and Related
Inventory Factors

Industrial Engineering
Spares and Repair Parts
• Spares and repair parts (and associated inventories)
are necessary for the performance of all
unscheduled (corrective) maintenance actions and
for those scheduled maintenance actions where
component replacements are required

Industrial Engineering
Probability of Success with
Spares Availability
• Assume that a single component with a reliability of 0.8 (for time t) is
used in a unique system application and that one backup spare
component is purchased. Determine the probability of system success
having a spare available in time t (given that failures occur randomly
and are exponentially distributed)
• This situation is analogous to the case of an operating component and
a parallel component in standby (i.e., standby redundancy).The
applicable expression is stated as (t = 0.223 ):

the probability of system

success having a spare available
in time t is 97,84%

Industrial Engineering
• If we next assume that the component is supported with two
backup spares (where all three components are
interchangeable), the probability of success during time t is
determined from


With a component reliability of 0.8 and a value of t = 0.223, the probability of

success is

Industrial Engineering
Probability of Mission
• Suppose that one needs to determine the probability that a
system will complete a 30-hour mission without a failure when
the system has a known mean life of 100 hours. Let :

Industrial Engineering
With nt = 0.3 and r equals zero The probability
that the system will complete a 30-hour mission is

Industrial Engineering
Spare-Part Quantity
• Spare-part quantity determination is a function of a
probability of having a spare part available when required,
the reliability of the item in question, the quantity of items
used in the system, and so on. An expression, derived from
the Poisson distribution, useful for spare-part quantity
determination is
P = probability of having a spare of a particular
item available when required
S = number of spare parts carried in stock
R = composite reliability (probability of
K = of parts used of a particular type
ln R = natural logarithm of R

Industrial Engineering

Industrial Engineering
Design Review
and Evaluation

Industrial Engineering
• This chapter covers the subject of logistics and supportability in
the broader context of the system life cycle; thus, the phrase
logistics and supportability engineering
• The assumption is that, to be successful in meeting the systems
engineering objectives described throughout this text, one has
to include both
• (1) the support-related functions associated with bringing
a system into being, and
• (2) the sustaining support functions after the system is
operational and over its life cycle
• All functional requirements must be properly addressed
through the system engineering process, and the design for

Industrial Engineering

Blanchard, Benjamin S., & Fabrycky, Wolter J. (2011).

Systems Engineering and Analysis (Fifth ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education Inc.

Industrial Engineering
Thank You
Industrial Engineering

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