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Starting Activity


1. What was the different kinds of energy

discussed in the video? Kindly give an

2. What was the first two kinds of energy


3. What items do you have that uses some

form of energy?
Work, Power
and Energy
Science 9
Learning Target(s):
• Describe the Kinetic and Potential energy of objects.
• State the law of conservation of energy as basis for
the conservation of mechanical energy of a system.
• Explain energy transformation in various
• Appreciate the importance of law of conservation of
energy in conserving energy resources.
What is Energy?

• Energy is defined as the

capacity to do work.

• Energy may take many forms.

• In Physics, Kinetic and Potential

energy are the two main kinds
that are taken into account.
Kinds of Energy
• When work is done on an object, the
object's energy changes. For example:
• When you push a shopping cart, your
work goes into increasing the cart's
kinetic energy.
• When you climb a mountain, your
work goes into increasing your
potential energy.
• Thus kinetic energy is energy of motion;
potential energy is the energy of position
or condition.
Kinetic Energy

• It is the energy of motion. The

kinetic energy increases
linearly with the mass and with
the square of the velocity, as
the following example
Potential Energy

• Energy that is stored for later use is referred to as

potential energy, or PE.
• Potential energy has several forms, one of which
is gravitational potential energy.
• The gravitational potential energy equals the
work required to lift an object to a given height.
• Lifting a mass m from the ground to a height h
requires a force mg. Thus the work done, and the
potential energy acquired, equals force times
distance, or
PE = mgh
Potential Energy

The following example shows how the gravitational energy is

Potential Energy

• Objects like rubber bands and springs that

return to their original size and shape after
being distorted are said to be elastic.
• Stretching a spring requires work. This work is
stored in the stretched spring in the form of
potential energy.
• The potential energy stored in a distorted
elastic material is referred to as elastic
potential energy.
Potential Energy
 When a spring is stretched by a distance x, the force exerted on the spring
increases uniformly from 0 to kx,
where k = spring constant in units Newton/meters (N/m)
 Thus, the average force is exerted on the spring is .
 Since the average force is , the work done in changing the length of the
spring is the average force times the distance, or

 This work is stored as elastic potential energy.
Potential Energy

The following example shows how elastic potential energy is

n of Energy
• It is a law which states
that “Energy cannot be
created nor destroyed,
it can only take one
form and change into
another form of
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Sample Problem:
A 2kg. ball was dropped from a building with the height of 30m.
and gained velocity with the force of gravity. Solve for the

a. What is the gravitational potential energy of the ball when it

is exactly 10m. Before hitting the ground?

b. What is the velocity of the ball at 10m. before above the

ME = PEi + KEi = PEf + KEf
= mghi + 1/2mv2i = mghf + ½ mv2f
Tips for solving:
mass 2 kg.
height 30 m. and 10 m.
• Identify the variables and make a table for
each one
Acceleration due to 9.81 m/s • Identify the missing variables and derive the
gravity general formula
velocity O m/s and ? • Use the derived formula as the solution and
Mechanical Energy ? substitute the numbers
• Calculate and include the proper symbols in
your answers
• Box your final answer for each problem.
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
The gravitational potential energy lost as the ball drops from
30m to 10m equals the kinetic energy gained. 

Change in gravitational potential energy can be found using the

difference in mgh. 

mghf −mghi = 2kg∗10ms2∗10m−2kg∗10ms2∗30m= −400Joules

So 400 Joules are converted from gravitational potential to
kinetic energy, allowing us to solve for the velocity, v.
  400Joules = 1/2mv2
400 = v2
v = 20m/s
Samples of Energy transformation
Samples of Energy transformation
Essential Questions:
1. Why do we need to conserve and use energy wisely?

2. What is our nation’s primary source or fuel to generate

power that we can use?

3. What ways can we do to conserve energy?

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