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Meaning, purpose, elements

Meaning of Directing

Directing is defined as that management function that

provides the guidance and directing to the employees
of the organization that enables them to perform
effectively and efficiently for the development of the
Purpose of directing
• It tells people what to do also explain them how to do it.
• Directing helps to Supervise the activities.
• Proper direction enables to issue instructions as well as orders for the
subordinates, so that they can carry out their assignments on time.
• When the subordinates are directed appropriately, then they are
automatically inspired to meet the expectations of manager and also
contribute towards the achievement of organizational objectives.
• Directing plays a key role ensuring that a business is capable of
adjusting and adapting to various changes by understanding the
environment and by relaying suitable information.
Elements of directing

• Communication
• Supervision
• Motivation
• Leadership
Communication is the process by which a piece of information is
transferred from one person to another in an organization.

The person who conveys the information is known as the sender

and the one to whom the information is conveyed is known as the

Communication can always be two sided, where the flow of

information is from supervisor to subordinates and vice versa.
Supervision is the next step after information is conveyed by the
supervisor to the employees regarding the work that needs to be done.

Manager act as supervisor and they ensures that the work is

going as per their instructions and subordinates has to do as per

Supervisor act as problem solver of the subordinates regarding

any issues with the instructions or the process.
Motivation is one of the key elements of directing.

Motivation is a force that makes an individual perform

to the best of his abilities in order to complete a set of tasks or

Motivation can be in the form of monetary gains such as

incentives or bonus, or it can be non-monetary such as
appreciation or growth.
Leadership is that element of directing that involves motivation and
persuasion in order to achieve the desired goals.

A leader is defined as a person who is able to influence other

person and inspire them to follow the instructions provided.

In other words, leadership is the act of leading, guiding and

motivating the subordinates to achieve the organizational goals.

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