Beyond Linearity: Reporter: Sevilina B. Merced

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R E P O RT E R : S E V I L I N A B . M E R C E D

• A linear system of spatial alignment which creates an

illusion of depth on a two-dimensional flat surface or
three-dimensional surface such as a relief carving. It
replicates the optical effects of recession, by
organizing space and depth from one point of view.
This system is based on how the human eye sees the
• 1) Objects which are closer appear larger, while more distant
objects appear smaller
• 2) The size of an object's dimensions along the line of sight
appear relatively shorter han dimensions across the line of
sight. It is a highly useful tool for creating realistic art.
• TwoDimensional
• Drawing, painting, and printmaking
• Three-dimensional art consists of sculpture, including
installation, and kinetic art.
• Resources

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