Adjective Clause Reduction: Part - 3

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Adjective clause

PART - 3
Reduction гэж юу вэ?

■ Туяаг хүлээсэн хүн бол алдартай жүжигчин.

■ The man who waited for Tuya is famous actor.
■ The man waiting for Tuya is famous actor.
■ Туслах үйл үг, холбоос үг 2-ийг хассан байна.
■ Хураангуйлж байна.
Хураангуйлах нь бичгийн хэлэнд элбэг тохиолддог

■ Учир нь илүү академик хэлбэртэй бөгөөд цэгцтэй

■ Хураангуйлалтын 3 тохиолдол байна.
■ A хэлбэр
■ B хэлбэр
■ C хэлбэр
1 A хэлбэр-ийн reduction
A type of reduction

■ The man who wrote this poem comes from the USA.
■ The man who was writing this poem comes from the USA
■ The man who will write this poem comes from the USA
■ The man who has written this poem comes from the USA
■ Гэх мэт adjective clause юугаараа адилхан бэ?
■ Бүгд цаг нь өөр боловч active хэлбэр дээр бичигдсэн байна.
■ Тэгвэл A хэлбэрийн хураангуйлалт нь active өгүүлбэрүүд
дээр ашиглагддаг.
■ The man writing this poem comes from the USA.
A type of reduction

■ The singer who is sitting next to me is Bold.

■ The singer who has sat next to me is Bold.
■ The singer who will sit next to me is Bold.
■ The singer who has been sitting next to me is Bold
■ Эдгээр бүх өгүүлбэрийг яг адилхан дараах байдлаар
■ The singer sitting next to me is Bold.
How to reduce A
Дараах жишээг харая.

■ The woman who has sat on this desk is Tuya.

■ 1. Холбоос үгийг хасна. - who
■ The woman has sat on this desk is Tuya.
■ 2. Туслах үйл үгийг алга болгоно. - has
■ The woman sat on the desk is Tuya
■ 2.Үйл үгийг gerund буюу –ing нэмэх болно.
■ The woman sitting on the desk is Tuya
Exercise time
■ Ангараг гариг руу аялсан хүн бол Матт Дамон.
■ The man who traveled to Mars is Matt Damon
■ The man travelling to Mars is Matt Damon.

■ Ууланд надтай цуг алхсан хүн бол Баяраа.

■ The man who went hiking with me is Bayaraa.
■ The man going hiking with me is Bayaraa.

■ Би цагт 50км/цаг хурдалдаг машин авсан.

■ I purchased the car which speeds up to 50 km/h.
■ I purchased the car speeding up to 50 km/h.
B хэлбэрийн reduction
B хэлбэрийн reduction

■ We live in the house which was built by my Dad

■ We will live in the house which will be built by
my Dad
■ We live in the house which has been built by Dad
■ БҮгд пассив цагууд байна.
■ Тэгвэл В хэлбэр нь зөвхөн пассив цагуудад
■ We live in the house built by my Dad.
How to reduce B
Дараах жишээг харцгаая.

■ The soup which was prepared by Tuya was tasty.

■ 1. Холбоос үгийг хасна. - which
■ The soup was prepared by Tuya was tasty.
■ 2. Туслах үйл үгийг алга болгоно. - has
■ The soup prepared by Tuya was tasty
■ 2.Үйл үгийг past participle – 2 буюу -ed нэмэх болно.
■ The soup prepared by Tuya was tasty
Exercise time
■ Би 1989 онд баригдсан байшинд амьдардаг.
■ I live in the house which was built in 1989.
■ I live in the house built in 1989.

■ Баяраагаар илгээгдсэн тайлан алдаатай байсан.

■ The report that was submitted by Bayaraa had numerous flaws.
■ The report submitted by Bayaraa had numerous flaws.

■ Марс бол ирээдүйд хүмүүсээр колончлогдох гариг гэгдэж байна.

■ Mars is so-called the planet which will be colonized by humankind.
■ Mars is so-called the planet colonized by humankind.
C хэлбэрийн хураангуйлалт
C type of reduction
■ Obama, who is the president of the USA, is a black person.
■ Bayara, who was the brother of Tuya, plays the guitar
■ The desk which is green, heavy is expensive
■ I have a phone that is a present from my wife.
■ Гэх мэт цагууд нь active, passive биш оронд нь to be байвал
■ Бид дараах байдлаар хураангуйлдаг.
■ 1.Холбоос үгийн хасна. who
■ 2.To be – г хасна is
■ Obama, the president of the USA, is a black person
■ Bayara, the brother of Tuya, plays the guitar
■ The desk green, heavy is expensive
■ Ширээн дээр байгаа цэцэг бол Туяагийн бэлэг.
■ The flower which is on the table is Tuya’s present.
■ The flower on the table is Tuya’s present.

■ Олимпийн хүрэл медальт жудогийн бөх бол миний 10 жилийн хүүхэд

■ The judo wrestler, who is the Olympic bronze medalist, was my classmate.
■ The judo wrestler, the Olympic bronze medalist, was my classmate.

■ Европын орнуудын нэг Спанид төрийн эргэлт гарах дөхлөө

■ There was an almost coup d’etat in Spain, which is one of the European
■ There was an almost coup d’etat in Spain, one of the European countries.
When do we not use the reduction
■ Object Adjective Clause ( C + S + V)
■ The man who you met is a doctor
■ C S V
■ The man you meeting is a doctor.
■ The house which I bought was expensive.
■ The house I buying was expensive
■ When, where, whose, why
■ I live in the building where Bayara works
■ I live in the building Bayara working
When do we use reduction?

■ Only Subject Adjective clause ( C + V)

■ The person who worked on the project graduated in MGL.
■ C V
■ The person working on the project graduated in MGL.

■ The computer which runs fast is high-priced.

■ C V
■ The computer running fast is high-priced.

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