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Faculty Of Law
Collage Teacher :

Drs. Anwar Sihombing, MBA, M.Pd.

Presented By Group
310/P2K :
1 Dewi Rahayu
2 Fitri Heri Kustanti
3 Juliyanto
Indonesia Has a very wide sea area of
about 5.8 million km2 which is ¾ of the
total area of Indonesia in which there are
17504 island and surrounded by a
coastline of 95.200 km, the second longest
after Canada, this physical fact makes
Indonesia known as a country the largest
archipelago in the world as a country
That has a verywide sea area,
Indonesian of Course has many
problems related to its sea area.
Therefore the law of the sea is
very important to be informed to
the public
Definition of Law of the Sea

Law of the Sea based on the opinion of experts:

Law of the sea according to dr. Wirjono Prodjodikoro SH covers all

legal regulations relating to the sea. The law of the sea according to
Mr. w. L. P. A molengraaff, Mr. H. F. A vollmar and Mr. F.G
scheltema are legal regulations relating to ship sailing at sea and
specifically regarding the transportation of people or goods by ship.
Law of the Sea
education goals
Improving the archipelago's insight into
marine affairs in Indonesia Helping to utilize
Indonesia's marine resources Explaining the
rights and obligations of countries in using
the sea Helping to know the boundaries of the
sea area
The law of the sea began to be known since the sea:

It is used for shipping and as a source of life

purposes Trade such as fishing
The United Nations agreed
to convene an International
conference on the law of
the sea in 1958
Conference I was held on 24
February – 27 April 1958 which
was attended by 700 delegates
from 86 countries, known as
UNCLOS I (United Nations
Convention on the Law of the
Sea) or the United Nations
convention on the law of the sea.
conventions of UNCLOS I:
1. There is no agreement on the convention on
the territorial sea and contiguous zone and it is
proposed to be continued at UNCLOS II
2. Convention on the high seas (convention on the
high seas) a. Freedom of navigation b.
Freedom to catch fish c. Freedom to lay
submarine cables and pipes d. Freedom to fly
over the high seas
3. Convention on fishing and protection of living
resources of the high seas (convention on
fishing and conservation of the living resources
of the high seas)
4. Convention on continental shelf
UNCLOS II On 17 March – 26 April 1960
talked about the width of the territorial sea and additional
fisheries zones but still failed to reach an agreement so that
another conference was needed.
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982

This Law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of states in
the use of the world's oceans and establishes guidelines for business,
environment, and marine resource management. Convention concluded in 1982,
superseding the 1958 international treaty on the sea.
Terms in the law of the sea
1. Convention on the high seas : Laut Lepas
2. Convention on continental shelf : Landas
3. Archipelagic Waters : Perairan Pedalaman
4. The Territorial Sea : Laut Wilayah
5. The Contiguous Zone : Zona Tambahan
6. The Exclusive Economic ( Zona Ekonomi
7. The Deep Seabed and Ocean Floor : Dasar Laut

1. Chapter 55 of UNCLOS states that the Exclusive Economic Zone is an area that is
outside the territorial sea but is still a continuation of it as far as not exceeding
200 nautical miles.
Chapter 56 (1) states that the rights of the coastal state in the EEZ are:
chapter 56 (1) states that the rights of the coastal state in the EEZ are:
1. to explore, exploit, conserve and preserve natural resources, both living
and biological, including the seabed area and exploration underground from
the sea.
2. Included in this are activities to construct artificial islands, installations
or other structures; scientific research and marine environmental protection
The Chapter of UNCLOS regulates this matter
which in principle assumes that:
1. The resources of the ocean floor are the common
property of mankind
2. The status of the seabed does not affect the status of the
high seas
3. Exploitation of the seabed must be carried out in
accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
Convention Several requirements are set for countries
or multinational companies that will exploit the seabed
area, including the obligation to announce work plans,
contracts carried out, expected developments, transfer
of technology to all countries and a definite and clear
contract period. These things have made many
developed countries reluctant to ratify the 1982

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