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PASSIVE VOICE Szenvedő szerkezet

Nem tudjuk vagy nem fontos, hogy ki végzi a cselekvést
 Somebody stole my bike yesterday.

Egyértelmű a cselekvést végző

 Cars are repaired in this garage.

Cselekvő kihangsúlyozása
 The car is being repaired by my father.

Tudományos írásokban
 The chemical is placed in a test tube and the data entered into the computer.

Hivatalos levélben (someone/ people/ they helyett)

 The brochure will be finished next month.

Ha a mondat tárgya nagyon hosszú lenne

 I was surprised by how well the students did in the test.

Ha meg akarjuk változtatni a mondat fókuszát

 The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
BE + V3 (az ige 3. alakja)
Aktív mondat:
 I drank two cups of coffee. Tárgy

Passzív mondat:
 Two cups of coffee were drunk (by me).

Alany opcionális
Valaki által van megcsinálva
Tense To be Active Passive
Present Simple Am/ is/ are I make a cake. A cake is made.
Present Am/ is/ are being I am making a cake. A cake is being made.
Present Perfect Have/ has been I have made a cake. A cake has been made.
Past Simple Was/ were I made a cake. A cake was made.
Past Continuous Was/ were being I was making a cake. A cake was being made.
Past Perfect Had been I had made a cake. A cake had been made.
Future Simple Will be I will make a cake. A cake will be made.
Future Will be being I will be making a cake. A cake will be being made.
Future Perrfect Will have been I will have made a cake. A cake will have been made.
Going to Am/ is/ are going to be I am going to make a cake. A cake is going to be made.
Used to Used to be I used to make a cake. A cake used to be made.
2 féle aktív és 2 féle passzív mondat
Aktív: He gave me the book./ He gave the book to me.
Passzív: I was given the book (by him)./ The book was given to me (by him).
További példák: ask, offer, teach, tell, lend, promise, sell, throw

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