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Presented By-

• Anurag Upadhyay (9A)

• Rahul Dhatrak (31A)
• Ritika Jha (36A)
• Sushmita Pandey (44A)
• Samta Devi (37A)

• Transformational leadership
• Difference between Transactional & Transformational Leadership
• Full range of leadership model
• The Four ‘I’ s of Transformational leadership
• Characteristics of Transformational Leadership
• Transformational Leadership in workplace
• Potential pitfalls of Transformational leadership
Transformational leadership

• Transformational leadership is a type of leadership in which

leaders encourage and motivate followers to innovate
and embrace positive change to grow and shape the
organization’s future success.
This kind of leadership approach brings meaningful changes
in people and social systems.
• In his book “Leadership” published in 1978, James
MacGregor Burns defined transformational leadership as the
leadership style in which leaders and followers help each
other to advance to a higher level of morale and
Transactional Leadership Transformational Leadership

Difference • Leadership is responsive • Leadership is proactive

Between • Works within the organizational • Constantly aiming at enhancing
structure and never deviates
Transactional • Maintains a status quo
organizational structures
through new ideas
and • Objectives are achieved through a • Promotes innovative ideas to
solve problems
Transformation reward or punishment system
• Objectives are achieved through
al Leadership motivation to do better!

Transactional leadership relies on attaining

goals through structure, supervision and a
system of rewards and punishments. This
results-oriented approach works well with
self-motivated employees.
Full range of leadership model

1. Laissez- Faire
- Let it be (Do nothing),most passive and least effective
2. Management by Exception
- “Put out fires” when there is crisis, often too late to be
3. Contingent reward
- Predetermine reward for employee efforts, less effective
will not get employee to go above & beyond call of duty
4. Intellectual Stimulation
- Transformational leaders challenge and motivate
followers to be creative and innovative.
The Four ‘I’s of Transformational
1. Idealized Influence
- Leader serves as an ideal role model for followers and is
admired for it. Provides vision and sense of mission
2. Inspirational Motivation
- Transformational leaders have the ability to inspire and
motivate followers. Communicates high expectations,
express important purpose in simple ways
3. Intellectual Stimulation
- Transformational leaders challenge and motivate followers to
be creative and innovative. Promote intelligence, rationality and
careful problem solving
3. Individualised Consideration
- Transformational leaders showcase genuine concern for the
needs and feelings of followers who bring out the best
efforts from each individual. Gives personal attention, treats
each employee individually, coaches, advises
Characteristics of Transformational

1. Effective management skills

- Manage his own & team’s work
2. Emotional Intelligence
- Listens to team member’s opinion, accepts
the risk
3. Integration and adaptation skills
- Quickly adapt new working environment,
Understands collective continuousness to
integrate better
4. Integrity
5. Receptive to new ideas
Transformational Leadership in your

1. Work on yourself as a leader

- Empathy, Charisma, Inspiration

2. Create proper culture in your workplace

- Collaboration, communication, innovation

3. Identify & Facilitate core values

- Clean vision statement, drawing effective
Potential pitfalls of Transformational

1. In situations where group members

require additional guidance and
direction, a transactional approach can
be a more effective strategy to employ
2. The focus is on attaining a
predetermined set of immediate
3. This approach is ineffective when group
members require significant guidance
and direction, particularly in cases
where they lack the necessary skills and
require extensive supervision
Transformational leaders
• Ratan Tata, the Chairman of the TATA GROUP, a
highly disciplined and a transformational
• Within his two-decade tenure, he propelled the Tata
Group into a globally recognized brand, with far-
reaching impacts beyond his company.
• His progressive approach was reflected in
strategic business decisions, including the innovative
affordable Tata Nano car.
• Under his visionary leadership, the Tata Group made
significant acquisitions such as Daewoo Motors, Land
Rover, and Jaguar.
• Notably, Ratan Tata's integrity and commitment to
lifelong learning have made him a role model to
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