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Chapter 3. Waste Storage, collection and transport

By: Tibebu Habte (BSc., MSc., BA., FMVA)

(A world-class financial analyst)
Phone +251 922 381917 April 27, 2023
Gmail: Arba Minch, Ethiopia.
• Introduction

• Classification of the collection system

• Analysis of the collection system

• Optimization
Waste Storage, collection and transport

On-site handling of waste:

• On-site handling refers to activities associated with the

handling of solid waste until placed in containers for storage
before collection.

• This includes handling, storage processing, and separation at

the source.

05/02/2023 By Tibebu Habte (MSc., BSc., BA., FMVA) 3

Waste Storage, collection and transport

• Separation of waste components is an important step in

the handling and storage of solid waste at the source.

• The best place to separate waste material for reuse and

recycling is at the source of generation.

05/02/2023 By Tibebu Habte (MSc., BSc., BA., FMVA) 4

Waste collection and transport

• Collection and transport are a major part of waste disposal


• The cost of collection significantly varies from one city to


• Very high optimization potential in waste collection

What does Collection and Transfer encompass ?
• Collection of solid waste from its various sources and transportation of this
waste to the place of final disposal.

• It also considers all activities related to loading waste into collection

vehicles and unloading waste from collection vehicles at communal
collection points, processing places, transfer stations, and final disposal

• Is the largest cost element in most municipal solid waste management

systems, accounting for 60–70 percent of costs in industrialized countries,
and 70–90 percent of costs in developing and transition countries
Why is waste collection so important?

• Quality of life

• Health and environmental protection

• Natural hazards protection

• A key case for waste management sustainability

• A good governance typical practice

Classification of Collection System
• Classified based on

• Proximity to waste generation

• Availability of collection services,

• The mode of operation and

• The types of waste materials collected

Classification of Collection System
Based on proximity to solid waste generation

Primary Collection

• Transportation of collected waste from or near the source of

generation by external stakeholders to the final disposal sites

• Increasing no. of micro-enterprises and (or) community-based

organizations forming in wealthier communities (both in
industrialized and developing countries) perform this task.
Classification of Collection System
Secondary Collection
• Collection of waste from communal bins, storage points, or
transfer stations, and transportation to the final disposal site
Classification based on collection services

• The basic collection scheme on the basis of services level is categorized into
four groups. They are:

Communal system

Block system

Kerbside/ Alley collection

 Door-to-door collection
Communal system
• The containers/collection points are located in a public place
• Lacking ownership by the public leads to indiscriminate disposal of
waste outside the container.
• Thus, the actual economy of this system mostly depends on public co-
• To increase public acceptance and to optimize the productivity of this
system improving the design, operation, and maintenance practices is
• The use of portable storage containers
maximizes the productivity of labor and
vehicles of a such collection system
Block system
• Waste generators are responsible for bringing their waste to
collection vehicles
• This system has low to medium labor and vehicle productivity,
but it minimizes the spread of waste on streets
Kerbside/ Alley collection
• This is the most common collection method in industrialized countries
and in the wealthier communities of some developing countries.
• Waste generators place the waste containers or bags (sacks) on the
kerb or in the alley on a specific day (or specific days) for collection by
external actors.
• A regular and well-organized collection service is essential so that
generators know exactly when to leave out their waste.
Door-to-door collection
• This is more common in industrialized countries, but an increasing number of micro-
enterprises and/or community-based organizations are forming in wealthier communities
in many developing countries to perform this task.

• This system has yet to receive public attention, but as with the use of bags for waste, it
maximizes the productivity of the crew, as retrieval of containers is not required.
Based on the mode of operation
1. Hauled Container System
2. Stationary Container System
Types of Collection Systems
 Hauled Container Systems (HCS)
• The container is carried to and from the destination (processing, transfer, or disposal)
• The container is sited at a location.
• In accordance with some cycles, the container is picked up and hauled off to the
destination area where the container is emptied and returned to the original location.
• The truck had no container, per service;
• The container is carried by truck;
• A variation starts with an empty container;

Hauled container system (conventional mode)

MRF =Material Recovery Facility

Hauled container system (exchange container mode)
Advantages and Disadvantages HCS
• Useful when the generation rate is high, and the containers are large.
• May eliminate spillage associated with multiple smaller containers.
• Flexible (you can change the location of containers). Need more capacity,
use a larger container.
• It requires only one truck and driver to accomplish the collection system
(less manpower)

• Disadvantage:
• If the containers are not filled, low utilization rate (the community may
not utilize it frequently due to improper location).
Stationary Container System (SCS)
• The container is emptied into a truck and the truck travels to and from
the disposal area;
• The waste container remains in the vicinity of where the waste is
• The waste is unloaded into a bigger truck.
• A large container is an integral part of the truck.
• When fully loaded from multiple waste containers, the truck travels to
and from the landfill as opposed to the waste container.
Stationary container system
• Types

• Manually loaded:-Small containers, Residential pickup.

• Mechanically loaded:- Larger containers, Wheeled residential pickup, and

commercial pickup

• Contain internal compaction equipment

• The vehicle does not travel to the disposal area until it is full
yielding higher utilization rates.
• The system is not flexible in terms of picking up bulky wastes
e.g. demolition, that make damage the relatively delicate
• Large volume generations may not have room for storing large
• It is a more manual system
Planning of solid waste collection program
 Collection systems- based on the mode of operation--Summary
2 types
Haul container Stationary collection
system (HCS) system (SCS)

 Containers are transported to MRF,

transfer station, or disposal site  Containers not transported to disposal
 When? High generation rate site except until to the collection vehicle
 Container size and utilization matters
 Density (compression to reduce space)
MRF- location for processing Mechanically
loaded systems
Hoist truck
Manually loaded
Tilt-frame container systems
Trash-trailer system
Hoist- truck

Tilt- frame

Trash trailer

Planning of solid waste collection program
Unit operations of collection system
1. Pick- up (P):
1.1- Hauled container system (conventional mode)
(Phcs = pc + uc + dbc)
• Time spent driving to the next container after an empty
container has been deposited (dbc)
• Time spent picking up the loaded container (pc)
• Time required to re-deposit the container (uc)

1.2- Pick-up (exchange container mode)

• Time required to pick-up a loaded container (pc) and to

deposit to the next location after content have been emptied
• (Phcs = pc + uc)

1.3. Pick-up for stationary container system:

-The time spent loading the collection vehicle beginning with

the stopping of the vehicle prior to loading the content of the
first container and ending when the content of the last
container to be emptied have been loaded

2. Haul:
Hauled container system:
• Time required to reach the disposal site starting after a
container whose content are to be emptied has been
loaded on the truck,
• The time spent after living the disposal site until the truck
arrives at the location where the empty container is to be
deposited. However, it does not include time spent at

Stationary container system:
• The time required to reach the disposal site starting after
the last container on the route has been emptied, or the
collection vehicle is filled,
• The time after leaving the disposal site until the truck
arrives at the location the first container to be emptied on
the next collection route

3. At site:
• The time spent at the disposal site and includes the time
spent waiting to load as well as unloading.

4. Off- Route:
• The time spent on activities that are non productive from
the point of view of the overall collection system.
• Either necessary or unnecessary.

a. Necessary time:
• Time spent checking in and out in the morning and at the
end of the day
• Time lost due to unavoidable congestion
• Time spent on equipment repair (tire, engine etc).

b. Unnecessary time:
• Time spent for lunch in excess of the time allowed
• Time spent on an unauthorized break
• Time spent with friend etc

Haul container system
Time required per trip (time required per container) THCS
• THCS= Phcs + s+ h= Phcs + s+ a+ bx
Pick up (phcs, h/trip)
At site (s, h/trip)
Haul times (h, h/trip)

Phcs = pc + uc + dbc

• h = a + bx (total time versus round trip distance curve)

• a = empirical constant, h/trip
• b = empirical constant, h/mi
• x = round-trip-haul distance, mi/trip
The number of trips that can be made per vehicle per day

Nd = [H (1-W) – (t1+t2)]/Thcs

• H = Length of work day h/day== 8h/d

• W= Off-route factor, expressed as a fraction
• t1= Time required to drive from dispatch station to the first
container location.
• t2= Time to drive from the last container location to the
dispatch station.

The number of trips required per day can be estimated

Nd= Vd/cf
• Vd = Volume daily waste generation, m3/day
• c = Average container size, m3/trip
• f = Weighed average container utilization factor

Stationary Container System
Time required per trip (time required per container) TSCS
Tscs = (Pscs + s + a + bx)

Pscs (h/trip)= Ct (uc) + (np – 1) (dbc)

• Ct = No. of containers emptied per trip
• Uc = Average unloading time per container
• np = No. of containers/ pick up location/trip
• dbc= average time spent driving between container
locations ..h/container
S= at site time

number of containers that can be emptied per collection trip

Ct= vr/cf
• v = volume of collection vehicle, m3/trip
• r = compaction ratio, m3/container
• c = container volume, m3
• f = weighed average container utilization factor

The number of trips required per day can be estimated by
using (Nd):

• Nd= Vd/vr
• Vd = Daily waste generation, m3/day
• v = Volume of collection vehicle, m3/trip
• r = Compaction ratio, m3/container

Collection route and shedule
• Macro routing (route balancing):
--large scale routing

1d/1 Crew
• Micro routing:
Efficient collection, time, low cost, distance…

Principal problem of waste management..?
• Not enough money!
• Bring the cost down
• Increase tax revenues

• The most expensive element in waste

management is the collection
• Trucks
• Workers

• Reduction of time to load and unload waste

• Equipment itself
• Get better organized
The choice of trucks impacts loading time


The choice of trucks impacts transport time

• Volume as great as 0.8m3/ton*3.7m3=25.6 ton

• Influences time
• Influences fuel 0.3 ton/m3*8m3=2.4 ton

0.3 ton/m3*1m3= 0.3ton

The choice of trucks impacts unloading time

• Mechanical 2min
unloading in just a 1 driver
few minutes

3-4 person
3-4 hrs
• Manual unloading
The choice of container system impact loading time
Simple routing strategy
• If the money is not
• Reduced number of
collection points
• Reduced routes
Transport and transfer stations

• Transport cost depends on

quantities and distances
• Often more expensive than
landfill cost
• Transport trucks as big as
• Trucks 100% full

• Treatment plant > ~20 km:

• => Transfer station
The case of no route conditions?
Primary collection services
Key lessons from primary collection systems

• Simple technology

• Easily adapted to the local


• Close to the people, paid by the people

• Limited transport distance, to a nearby

collection point

• Collection point needs emptying

• Coordination with secondary services

Optimization of collection services
Collection strategy for cost reduction
Data collection and analysis
• Trucks weight
• Trucks and workers’ timetable
• Distances, trucks routes
• Collection points, # bins
• Container loading time
• Truck filling time
• Cost of trucks and staff
• Benchmarking
Waste management sustainability depends on :

• Cost reduction
• Time optimization
• Good maintenance
• Efficient supervision, permanent control
• Efficient tariff setting
• Efficient tariff collection
• Good communication
A good waste collection is a basic service for the

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