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Latin America

Fernando Recalde Habla English
Natural Disasters Of Latin America

▪ B. This costed south American countries a wopping 7.3 billion dollars ( U.S
Currency) in total collateral damage.
▪ C.
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪5 Elements Of
▪ Religion
▪ Language
▪ Art
▪ Tradition
▪ Social
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪ Religion
▪ Religion is often a source of conflict between cultures
▪ Answers basic questions about the meaning of life.
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪ Language
▪ Language is the cornerstone of culture.
▪ All cultures have a spoken language (even if there are no developed forms of
▪ People who speak the same language often share the same culture.
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪ Art
▪ They are the products of the human imagination.
▪ They help us pass on the culture’s basic beliefs.
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪ Tradition
▪ Rules of Behavior are enforced ideas of right and wrong. They can be
customs, traditions, rules, or written laws.
▪ It’s the way the certain ethnic group has been living there everyday life for the
past centuries.
Ethnic Group & Religious Ways Of Everyday Life

▪ Social
▪ Creates social structure by organizing its members into small units to meet basic
▪ Family Patterns: family is the most important unit of social organization. Through
the family children learn how they are expected to act and what to believe.
Post Card
▪ To: Mahoney & Smith Residence
▪ From: Shane Mahoney
▪ Destination/Location: Brazil
Post Card
▪ https://

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