SWDev Intro H1

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Track Course 2
Engr. Jennifer M. De Los Reyes
Course Guide: (Elective 🡪 Software Development 2)
✔ Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to present software engineering as a body of knowledge. The course is
designed to present software engineering concepts and principles in parallel with the software development
life cycle. It covers all aspects of software production ranging from the early stage of product concept to
design and implementation to post-delivery maintenance. This course introduces the major concepts and
techniques of software engineering so that students can prepare for their future careers as software
engineers. Moreover, through group projects, students can obtain hands- on experiences on entire phases
and workflow of the software process.

✔ Number of Units: 3
✔ Number of Hours (Lec/Lab): Tue (6-8PM); Thurs (6-9PM)
✔ Synchronous schedule : every Tuesday 6:30-8:30PM
Course Guide:
✔ Course Learning Outcomes:
CLO1: Demonstrate mastery of software engineering knowledge and skills.
CLO2: Use software engineering principles.
CLO3: Create major activities and key deliverables in a software development life cycle
using Agile Scrum framework.
CLO4: Demonstrate mastery of Agile Scrum framework.
Software Development Life Cycle
✔ Is a systematic process for building software that ensures the quality and
correctness of the software built.
✔ SDLC process aims to produce high-quality software that meets customer
✔ SDLC consists of a detailed plan which explains how to plan, build, and
maintain specific software.
✔ Every phase of the SDLC life cycle has its own process and deliverables that
feed into the next phase
Software Development Lifecycle Methodologies:

✔ Waterfall

✔ Agile

✔ Iterative

✔ DevOps

✔ V-Model

✔ Lean
What is Agile Scrum Methodology?
✔ is a sprint-based project management system whose goal is to deliver the highest
value to stakeholders.
✔ is a project management system that relies on incremental development.
✔ each iteration consists of two- to four-week sprints, where each sprint's goal is to
build the most important features first and come out with a potentially deliverable
✔ More features are built into the product in subsequent sprints and are adjusted
based on stakeholder and customer feedback between sprints.
✔ Sprint - is a short, time-boxed period when a scrum team works to complete a set
amount of work.
✔ Scrum Master
⮚ is the facilitator of the scrum development process.
⮚ holds daily meetings with the scrum team.
⮚ is accountable of the team’s effectiveness and makes certain that scrum rules are
being enforced and applied as intended.
⮚ coaches and motivates the team, removing impediments to sprints, and ensuring
that the team has the best possible conditions to meet its goals and produce
deliverable products.
✔ Product Owner
⮚ represents stakeholders, which are typically customers.
⮚ ensures the scrum team is always delivering value to stakeholders and business,
the product owner determines product expectations, records changes to the
product and administers a scrum backlog, a detailed and constantly updated to-do
list for the scrum project.
⮚ is also responsible for prioritizing goals for each sprint, based on their value to
stakeholders, such that the most important and deliverable features are built in
each iteration.
✔ Scrum team
⮚ is a self-organized group of three to nine individuals who have the business,
design, analytical and development skills to carry out the actual work, solve
problems and produce deliverable products.
⮚ Members of the scrum team self-administer tasks and are jointly responsible for
meeting each sprint's goals.
Course Requirements:
✔ Group yourselves into 5 members/per team; some teams may have 6 members. 4
teams total. Submit team name & members before Friday, January 27 thru our

✔ Each team should deliver the following output:

⮚ Sprint Review meetings

❖ Acceptance criteria document
❖ Project demo (4 to 5 features per sprint)
❖ Updated product backlog or sprint backlog
❖ Sprint Retrospective (what went right / wrong)

⮚ Product Launch and Final Documentation (Requirements Specs and Test Plan)
Next Steps:
✔ Identify: Product Owner and the Scrum Master from your group.
✔ Enumerate all the features to be implemented in your project (product backlog):
⮚ Features should be prioritized and determined by PO on what to deliver in each sprint.
⮚ Features should be broken down into tasks/user stories (sprint backlog).
⮚ There should be 25-30 features in your project.
✔ To be presented next week: (prepare 2 proposals)
⮚ Overview of project and features (complete product backlog)
⮚ Tools to be used
⮚ Process flow / diagram
⮚ Scope and timeline (Gantt chart)
⮚ Features to complete in the 1st sprint meeting (based on sprint planning output)
Software Requirements Specifications:
Grading System:  Final Grade computation:
 Midterm Grade computation: (Passing: 60%)
Midterm Grade - 40%
Use of Scrum Methodology - 20%
Sprint Output - 40% Final Score - 60%
Participation / Teamwork - 10%
Exam - 30% Passing: 60%

 Final Score computation: ** End-user needs – what is the problem to be solved

by the SW? How much impact is the SW to the users?
Participation / Teamwork - 10% Functionality – does the SW perform the functions
Documentation - 20% required?
** Software Output - 50% Ease of use – how easy is the software to use? Users
Exam - 20% should be happy with the user interface.
✔ https://www.daxx.com/blog/development-team/free-agile-project-management-tools-
✔ https://www.scrum.org/resources/what-is-scrum
✔ https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/sprint-review-much-more-just-
✔ https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/business/25-scrum-process-best-practices-that-set-
✔ https://www.lucidchart.com/blog/agile-vs-waterfall-vs-kanban-vs-scrum
✔ https://www.slideshare.net/jangjong/software-requirements-specification-final

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