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Humans are different through 2 concepts : a. ability ( achievement of learning, intelligent & talent ) b. personality ( characteristics, interest, emotion, attitude & motivation ) Allport ( 1961) > defines personality as a dynamic organization of psychophysics in an individual that determines behavior and adaptation to the environment. Therefore, personality : a combination of a person characteristics and self concept.

EXTROVERT : active, friendly, innovative, and responsive towards ones environment INTROVERT : passive, shy, quite, sensitive, prefer being alone, and does not like challenges. AMBIVERT : combination of both extrovert and introvert characteristics.


Believes that human personality is structured since birth up to five years old. Concept of conscious and unconscious world - conscious world of human being is like a floating ice where part of it can be seen whereas the bigger portion of the unseen ice is the unconscious world

Conscious mind
includes everything that we are aware of aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally includes such things as the sensations, perceptions, memories, feeling and fantasies inside of our current awareness

Unconscious mind
a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict continues to influence our behavior and experience, even though we are unaware of these underlying influences.

Situation :
James has just started a new relationship with a woman he met at school. While talking to her one afternoon, he accidentally calls her by his ex-girlfriend's name. How would you explain this situation ?

According to Freud, personality structure can be classified into 3 components :




Biological drive which operates according to the principle of pleasure and demands immediate satisfaction. Exist from birth and source of motivation Cannot be evaluated and does not cater logic, values, morale and ethics.

Executive to human personality and develops when the individual is one year age. Operates according to the principles of reality to satisfy id Based on the organized realistic reasoning and logical thinking.

Operates on the principle of perfection. The morale component of which developed from social standards and religious education.

Freud also believes that the personality of an individual is influence by psychosexual development :
Oral stage ( birth -2 years) Genital stage ( after puberty till adolescence) Anal stage ( 1 - 3 years)

Latency stage ( 6 puberty )

Phallic Stage

( 3-6 years )

ORAL STAGE ( birth 2 years )

Child get satisfaction from his mouth through sucking, chewing and swallowing. If he get the satisfaction, his personality trait might be optimistic, friendly and cooperative. If we denied this satisfaction, maybe they will try to do unwanted activities such as crying all time. They might have personality traits such as pessimistic and being too dependent.

ANAL STAGE ( 1 - 3 years )

The libido energy focuses at the muscles of the bowels. Involves toilet training. The way parents organize toilet training will influence the personality of an individual. If the toilet training too rigid, may cause the individual become stubborn, stingy, selective and over emphasis on neatness neat. May hinder the child from developing self confidence and independence.

PHALLIC STAGE ( 3-6 years )

Children becomes aware of their feminity and masculinity. The male will go through Oedipus Complex, where he focuses his love on his mothers love and competes with his father for her attention. The girls will undergo Electra Complex, where they will compete with the mother for their fathers love and attention.

LATENCY STAGE ( 6 puberty )

All sexual feeling are suppressed to the unconscious level. Start focusing on school and other activities. Will learn the different roles of each gender and prefer to play with individual of the same gender.

GENITAL STAGE ( after puberty adolescence)

Sexual interest at this stage. Teenage will try to fulfill whatever he missed during his childhood such as sexual satisfaction at the mouth, anal and phallic. The personality traits resulted from conflicts during childhood will become dominant. Freud believes that childs upbringing will determine his personality. Parents, teachers and society must help develop the childs self concept.


Atkinson ( Mahmood Nazar, 2005)

individual characteristics which differentials individuals in a fairly constant manner.

Explain about ones personality based on ones characteristics and behavior.

Sheldon, All Port and Cartel discuss the theory from different approaches.
William Sheldon ( Mahmood Nazar, 2005 ) classified three body forms, names endomorph, mesomorph and ectomorph.


- Strong muscles and bones, physically fit. - Strong personality, energetic, aggressive and brave.

- Round and soft

- friendly, happy, sociable, loves to eat, extrovert and calm

ECTOMORPH - Slim and tall.

- quite, sometimes anti social, emotional, shy but intelligent.

Allport ( 1937 ) : personality as a dynamic organization of an individual who decides the ability to uniquely accommodate to the environment. Believes that human have traits and specific characteristics : a. cardinal trait b. central trait c. secondary trait

Individual who organizes his own self through internal influences. Eg : authoritative personality will act according to their needs without putting other peoples feeling and opinion into consideration.

form the basic foundations of personality major characteristics might use to describe another person Example of central trait : intelligent, honest, shy and anxious

Control other peoples behavior specifically but discreetly. Can be seen at certain situation and stimulus. Sometimes related to attitudes or preferences and often appear only in certain situations or under specific circumstances.

Raymond Catell ( 1950 ) : human personality as a combination of specific traits that can produce a consistent behavior. Personality allow us to speculate what action would be taken by an individual in a certain situation. Developed 16PF ( Personality Factor ) : represent personality and named it trait resources.

Trait Resource : characteristics that cannot be seen clearly but it can be identified through factor analysis ( collection of data through question & observation ) Interact each other to produce behavior that can be observed and its known as trait surface. Trait Surface : characteristics that can be identified through human behavior. - eg : anger can be seen through hot tempered behavior, impatience and using harsh words.

Sees human as good characters with values and always doing good deeds. Rogers (1959) individual experience is responsible for ones personality ; involves self-concept, trust & the behaviour of an individual. He believes that individual who has a stable self concept will have a strong motivation towards self actualization. Maslow (1968) sees human personality being driven by individual needs and wants.

human needs to fulfill their basic needs to live such as air, water, food and shelter. will look for safety. So that the individual feel secure and away from threats. Human need to forge relationship with others to fulfill the need the love. Children without love tend to be arrogant and aggressive. Human need to be appreciated. If this need is fulfilled, it will increase the individuals self esteem and help him become a useful citizen who can contribute the society. A stable self esteem will develop if there is appreciation respects from others. Human also needs self satisfaction.

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