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Chapter - 5

Arrays, Qualifiers
and Reading
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Arrays are used to store a collection of related values.
Instead of declaring a individual variable in which to store
each value, you can declare the array.
Array declaration has the format:
data type arrayname[n];
where n is a positive integer constant that represents the
maximum number of values, elements, that you want to
store in the array -- size declarator.
double hello[3];
int alpha[20];
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Simple variables allow user to declare one item, such as a single width:
int width;   // Width of the rectangle in inches
If we have a number of similar items, we can use an array to declare them. For
example, if we want declare a variable to hold the widths of 1000 rectangles.
int width_list[1000];   // Width of each rectangle
The width of the first rectangle is width[0] the width of the second rectangle is
width[1] and so on until width[999].
Common sense tells you that the last element of the width array is width[1000].
Common sense has nothing to do with programming and the last element of the
array is width[999].

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Suppose I want to store scores for 100 students.
I could declare the variables score1, score2, score3……..
Alternatively, I could declare the array by the statement
int score[100];
which allocates space for 100 integer values.

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Schematic of Memory
As separate variables

score1 score 2 score3 score4 score5 score100

As an array

score[0] score[1] score[2] score[3] score[4] score[99]

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Some Constraints
For this course, all the elements must have the same
data type.
All the elements should represent similar data. But
do not have to be similar.

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Accessing Array Elements
The individual elements of an array may be accessed
by the array name and the subscript or index.
score[3], score[i], score[99]
Subscripts in C++ begin with zero, so the first element
of the array with size declarator n has the index or
subscript 0 and the last element has the index or
subscript n-1.
Second element has the subscript or index of 1, third
element, 2, etc.

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Inputting Elements of an Array
Array elements may be input one at a time
score[0] = 78;
score[5] = 80;
score[99] = 67;
Or use a loop
for (int j = 0; j < n; j ++){
cout<<“Please enter the score \n”;

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You do not have to use all the elements of the

It is often advantageous to declare the array

for slightly more elements that you think
you might actually need.

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Initializing when Declaring

Array elements can be initialized at time of declaration.

double temps[4] = {78.5, 79.8, 85.4, 86.2};
If you are initializing the elements at the point of
declaration the size declarator may be omitted.
double temps[ ] = {78.5, 79.8, 85.4, 86.2};
The size will be set implicitly equal to the number of
elements specified.

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Initializing after Declaration

Or you can input later manually or using a loop

int nums[3];

OR (if there is a patter or you cin each value use a for loop)
int nums[3];
for (int i=0;i<3;i++){

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Outputting Data from an Array
Array elements can be output individually
cout<<score[0]<<“ “<<score[5];
Or using a loop
for (int j = 0; j < n; j ++){
Numeric arrays cannot be output by just using the array
cout<<score; // will not work!

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Processing Array Elements
Individual array elements can be used in assignment
statements, output statements, etc. in a similar
manner as individual variables.
X = y * score[20];
y = sqrt(temper[4]) + b;
You may also use pre- or post-incrementation or
decrementation on a specific array element.
Loops are commonly used to process the array

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Computing the average of 6 numbers
#include <iostream>

double data[5];  // data to average and total 
double total;    // the total of the data items 
double average;  // average of the items

int main()
    data[0] = 34.0;
    data[1] = 27.0;
    data[2] = 46.5;
    data[3] = 82.0;
    data[4] = 22.0;

    total = data[0] + data[1] + data[2] + data[3] + data[4];
    average =  total / 5.0;
    cout << "Total "<< total <<" Average "<< average << '\n';

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Computing the average of 6 numbers
#include <iostream>

double data[5];  // data to average and total 
double total;    // the total of the data items 
double average;  // average of the items

int main()
    data[0] = 34.0;
    data[1] = 27.0;
    data[2] = 46.5;
    data[3] = 82.0;
    data[4] = 22.0;

    for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
    average =  total / 5.0;
    cout << "Total " <<total<<" Average " <<average<< '\n';

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Homework – Part 1
1. Write a program that declares an array with size 10 with the values stored as
random numbers between 1-10.  Output the sum of those values and the product
as well.    
2. CH4 pg 42, question 3
3.  Write a program that has the user enter 5 numbers into an array.  Output back to
the user those numbers in reverse order. e.g.
enter a number:2
enter a number:3
enter a number:4
enter a number:5
enter a number:6
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Homework – Part 2
4. Write a program that declares an array of size n, where n is given by the user. 
Ask the user for all values of the array store them into the array then display the
entire array in the following format:
array[0] = 3
array[1] = 12
array[34] =-2
where the last value is n-1 not 34 and the numbers are the values that the user
originally entered.
5.  Declare an array of size 30 and store it with random numbers.  Ask the user if
they would like to find a number and return the position of the number found.  If
the number is not in the list display a message that tells the user that.  Then
display the contents of the entire array to the user.  (BONUS -1 mark find all
positions of the number if there are multiple)

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