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¿ W H AT A R E


Cultural traditions
• NAME: Anai Aleman,
             Francisco Hernandez
             Michelle Palacios
             Kassandra Perez
             Diego perez
• TEACHER: Frank
• DEGREE: 10mo ''A''
  Nicaragua is a country with unique traditions
and costoms from the religious celebrations to
music and gastronomy Nicaragua has a rich 
color that is expressed in medias formas.
• The giantess
• Folk dance
• Traditional food
• The festivities 
• Holy week
• Traditional music
• The craf 
• The dance of the giantes an the clwarf heard
• Blufields carnaval traditioanl medicine
• La griteria is a celebrations that
is held or the 7th of december in
honor of the immaculate
concepcion. During
this celebration people are
shouting who causes so much
joy and the people answer the
concepcion of maria 
• The folkloric dances they are an
important part of
nicaraguan culture each region has
its traditional customs of what
they want in their own dances
such as the masaya dance the dance
of the little devils in chontales and
the dance of the indians in leon
• Nicaraguan traditional
food is delicious and
varied some of the most
popular dishes include the
gallopinto the vigoron los
The patron saint festivities people
of nicaragua celebrate the ir anual
fiesta patronal in honor of the ir
patron saint the usually
include parades live music food
and drink and mechanical games
• Holy week is a very
important religious
celebration in nicaragua
during this week the
cities towns celebrate
religious processions
and representations of
the viacrucis
• The traditional music  is
a mix of indigenous
african and spanish
influences some of the
taditional instruments
include the marimba
violin and guirro
Nicaraguan crafts are
unique and beautiful some
of the most popular
products indude hand
woven hamm ocfis
ceramics and wood carved
• The dance of the gigantess an
the big headed clwarf the
dance of the gigantess is a
traditional dance that takes
place in leon during the
patron saint festival
• The carnaval of blufields
channel the carnaval of
blufields is one of the most
colorful and exciting
celebrations in nicaragua it
take place during the last
week of february and is one
of the mixtures of african
caribbean and spanish
• Nicaraguan traditional
medicine is based on the
use of medicinal plants
and herbs to cure
diseases and disorders
Nicaragua traditions are
varied and unique and are an
important part of the country's
culture and identity from food
and drink to music an traditional
medicine each tradition reflects
the history and cultural
influence that have shaped
Nicaragua over the centeries.

• Nicaragua's culture has many influences the

western part was colonized by the
spaniards and their culture is similar to that
of other hispanic countries. The inhabitants
of the west of nicaragua are mostly mestizos
and the main language is invariably spanish.
• The huaco toro is a
traditionnal nicaraguan
dance that is part of the
country's mestizo
cultural heritage
• The nort region, however, was
inhabited mostly by
german migrants, to a lesser
extent ples and dutch which
took the polka and mazurca,
became part of the culture of
northern nicaragua, the
inhabitants of the northern
part are mostly white and in
lesser extent mestizos.
• Nicaragua

Roots and quidelines of our political culture at the age of 22

years of the triump of the revolution, and playing background
in a new national crisis, allan bolt, a man f culture and hope,
shared whith sending these reflections, in a talk that we

In countries like nicaragua there is no single

culture the miskita culture. We live with
several cultures. We have mayagna culture, the
miskita culture, creole culture, the garifuna
culture, the ulwa culture, the culture of the
people plateau, the peasant culture with its
different variants. And the culture of rich
groups. Cultures have history. They start and
Group with a culture arrive that dominate other
groups with their weapons, and also dominate their
cultures. And those who lose war find how their
cultures continue to live. Mixed, but living despite all

In nicaragua, the culture of rich groups comes, above all,

from spanish culture, which dominated native cultures
by subjecting their peoples to blood and fire. The culture of
the dominant group now has a lot of influence of the
united states culture. The dominant culture became
hegemonic when peoples and dominated groups, instead of
wanting to rebel against domination, began to want to be
like the dominator, began to admire the dominant culture,
to acquire a complex and dynamic sum of beliefs and
customs, of concepts and skills reference systems and
• In everyday life, relationship systems
between people sexes and groups, and
between their society and the environment
in which they life, having dominators as an
example to follow. From that moment on
litte by little, year after year century after
century, oppressed people were made up of
oppression, accepting the explanationsof
the dominant groups and taking as
reference the dominant culture. To achieve
that submission, the rich groups, killed
every person who rebelled. And then they
dirty their  memory in such a way that even
their relatives anted to recognize that it had
been part of the family. ''to the enemy – the
spanish conquerors said,'' you have not
only to overcome it, you have to denigrate
it. From that matrix we come. 
• In nicaragua, as in manny other countries that were colonies, the state comes from the domination of the
kings of spain over indigenous peoples. Thus, the state of nicaragua as born legal but illegitimate, because
it was born from the domination of a minority about a vast majority. With the sandinista revolution, the
state wanted to make legitimate, but it was not achieved. The indigenous did not have their representation,
their territories and their traditional forms of government were not respected. T6he peasantry also did not
have a real representation in the state despite being the absolute majority of the population of the country.

The 1979 revolution ocurred as a motley and confusing mix of political forces.

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