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• Karaoke bars have traditionally been popular gathering spots for those who like to
consume alcoholic beverages for recreational purposes. Alcoholism is a major issue in
Filipino culture and social life. Drunkenness or alcohol intoxication is frequently the
cause of a number of incidences, and violence among Filipinos. Short-and long-term
work-related fitness, as well as personal health and well-being, are all affected by
alcohol. Studies are being carried out to broaden the scope of the information and share
it with other bars.

• It is hoped that other restaurant and bar managers will be able to help drunk patrons
avoid dangerous situations. These studies are useful for other company owners who are
unclear on how to deal with intoxicated consumers in difficult situations. It will also
offer helpful advice to anybody interested in starting a business in the alcohol service
● Determining the level of intoxication based on the amount, rate, and type of alcohol

Brandy, Whiskey, and Beer are among the alcoholic beverages consumed by customers. They
estimated that it takes two to four bottles of alcohol to become intoxicated.

● Determining the level of intoxication based on the body language of the customers

These body languages, such as slurred speech and loss of coordination, are used to determine if a
customer has reached the point of intoxication.

● Distinguishing characteristics of intoxicated customers in terms of gender

The woman is the one who becomes intoxicated first. On average, men consume more alcohol than
women. Because men have more control over their drinking and are aware that intoxicated women
quickly become irritable.

● Type of assistance and responses provide to intoxicated customers

When they notice that a customer is already intoxicated, they quietly assist them and provide them
with cold water to recover from intoxication.
●Responses to intoxicated customers with inappropriate behavior
They approach the customers in an inappropriate manner and speak to them calmly. They also assess the behavior
before approaching the customer. The staff usually interacts with the companion.
●Management creating the right environment to avoid alcohol-related problems
The management creates the right environment by observing incoming customers to see if they are already intoxicated.
They also control the volume of the videoke so that it does not cause disruptions. They also included establishment
policy signage.
●Advantages of karaoke bar image in relation to responsible alcoholic beverage service
Whether the customer was intoxicated or not, the staff maintained a positive attitude toward them and offered excellent
service. Having the correct conversation will help you maintain a positive customer relationship. On the other hand, it
might make a customer feel safer because they know the management will make sure they know what to do.
●Creating a positive response from the customers by providing proper management and applying the policy.
Providing excellent service and good communication so that people have a positive experience with the personnel. It is
also critical to maintain a clean and pleasant workplace in order to satisfy consumers and receive positive feedback.

• The majority of clients are inebriated after consuming heavy liquors such as
brandy and whiskey. Women often become intoxicated quicker than males
because they have a lower alcohol tolerance. Body language, such as slurred
speech, and loss of coordination can also be a basis on how to know the level
of intoxication a person has. Staff at karaoke bars are taught how to speak
calmly with their inebriated clientele. When the staff notices that a customer is
already intoxicated, they provide the intoxicated customer food or coffee to
help them reduce their intoxication. Having a clean and pleasant environment
is essential for client satisfaction and receiving positive feedback.

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