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Unit 4

Our Changing Planet

Week 7 is our review…. With a speaking test.

Each student will have a 5-minute Q&A with me 

It will be all the questions from class time, from the

worksheets. I will ask you one from each week.

Fill the time and be happy ><

Unit Goals
Page 64: landscape, pressure, erode,
exposed, crack, dramatic,
Unit appropriate, formation, collapse,
and Page 75: preserve, balance, impact,
Expressions compromise, harm, in theory, fragile,
consultant, analysis, infrastructure
Listen, Grammar, and
Other Fun Stuff

Page 68: Passive voice

Page 72: Video: I am Red

Presentation Skills
Page 79: Presenting a business report
Page 62-63
Page 64
Page 64: landscape, pressure,
erode, exposed, crack,
dramatic, appropriate,
formation, collapse, unique
Page 64
Page 64: landscape, pressure,
erode, exposed, crack,
dramatic, appropriate,
formation, collapse, unique
Page 64
1.   appropriate (adj) correct or suitable for the situation 
2.   unique (adj) different from everything else; one of a kind 
3.   dramatic (adj) impressive or sudden and surprising 
4.   exposed (adj) unprotected, such as from the weather 
5.   crack (n) a narrow space or line on the surface of a damaged
6.   pressure (n) force or power that presses against or down
7.  formation  (n) the creation of something 
8.   landscape (n) the way an area of land looks, especially in the
9.   erode (v) to gradually reduce or damage something through
the natural action of wind or water 
10.  collapse(v) to fall down suddenly because of a lack of strength
or support
Page 65

1. b erosion
2. a inappropriate
3. b formation of
4. c uni = one
5. b protected from
6. a exposure
• Do you think uniforms are suitable for schools?
• Which celebrity has a unique style? Do you like it?
• Have you seen any dramatic movies recently?
Do you think the news should expose people's private lives?
• Have you ever cracked your phone screen, did you fix it or leave it?
• What is the biggest pressure in your life these days?
• How do you feel about the formation of this major?
• Do you like the Mohyun landscape?

Question time • Have you eroded your bank balance this semester? (spent too
much on soju ;))
• How did you feel when you saw all the Turkish buildings collapsed?
Do you think Korea’s buildings are well made?
• What is the biggest thing you balance these days?
• What impact has HUFS had on your life so far?
• Do you think all couples should compromise, how long is ok to
forgive someone?
• What harm is there with social media?
Page 68

Page 68: Passive voice
Page 68
Page 68

• The mountain of soju bottles was created last night by HUFS students.
• That car was built in Korea by Hyundai.
Page 68
The formula for the active voice:

[subject]+[verb (performed by the subject)]+[optional

• Ex: Chester kicked the ball.

The formula for the passive voice:

[subject]+[some form of the verb to be]+[past participle

of a transitive verb]+[optional prepositional phrase]
• Ex: The ball was kicked by Chester.
Page 68 Grammar
Page 68: Passive voice
Two Roman towns were destroyed and numerous citizens were killed.

The eruption was observed by the writer Pliny the Younger.

….description was so detailed and accurate that similar eruptions are

called Plinian by modern geologists.

These days the sites of the destroyed towns are often visited by

….Vesuvius is considered to be an extremely dangerous volcano by

many experts.
I was born at [place] on [date]
I was often told…
I was rarely allowed to… Grammar
My favourite movie is [movie title] and
it was directed by [director's name] Page 68: Passive voice
I am most influenced by [person's name]
in my personal life.
More passive questions…

• What is exported by your country?

• What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who is it
made by?
• Who are the best electronics made by?
• Who are your favorite clothes made by?

• What is the nicest thing that has been done for you lately?
• What’s the most difficult question you have ever been asked?
• What’s the best present you’ve ever been given?
• Many products are exported by my country, including [list of
• The most popular luxury item in my country is [item], and it is
made by [manufacturer/brand name].
• The best electronics are made by [manufacturer/brand name].
• My favorite clothes are made by [manufacturer/brand name].
• The nicest thing that has been done for me lately was [action], and it
was done by [person/organization].
• The nicest thing that has been done for me lately is [action] by
[person or group of people].
• The most difficult question I have ever been asked is [question].
• The best present I have ever been given is [gift].
Page 72
Page 73
1. g scorching (adj) very hot
2. a arid (adj) extremely dry, without rain
3. b playfulness (n) sense of fun
4. f tapped (adj) used or used up, especially of a
natural resource
5. d harness (v) to control something such as a
natural resource
6. c soul (n) the heart of somebody or something
7. e sustain (v) to support or care for somebody
or something
Page 73
1. False – The Colorado River has
existed for six million years.
2. True
3. False – It is not the strongest or largest
river in the United States.
4. True

1. a
2. c
Page 74-75
1. To preserve means to keep something safe.
2. Balance means the act of giving equal importance to things.
3. Impact means change.
4. Compromise means an agreement that does not completely
satisfy anybody.
5. Harm means damage to something or somebody.
6. In theory means something that is possible but may not happen.
7. Fragile means easily damaged.
8. Consultant means a person who provides expert advice.
9. Analysis means a careful examination of something.
10.Infrastructure means the basic structures that a city, state, or
country needs to run effectively.
• Which part of Korea is scorching in summer?
• Where is the largest arid place in the world?
• Which of your friends or classmates has a great sense of fun?
• Have you ever tapped out your brain from studying too hard?
• If you could have any superpower, what would you harness?
• Do you think soul is the most important thing in a
sun • Which food sustains you the most (keeps you full)?
• Which part of Korean culture do we need to preserve?
• In theory will you get an A+ for this class?
• Do you think you are fragile? Do you hurt yourself a lot?
• What kind of consultants can you think of? Would you be one?
• If you had to analyze your first semester so far what is going
• Do you think the Mohyun infrastructure is good? What would
improve it?
Page 75
•1. find balance/ get balance
•2. balance between
•3. major impact
•4. impact on
•5. countable
•6. reach a compromise/ come to a
•7. cause harm / suffer harm
•8.harm to
•9. analysis of
•10. carry out an analysis / perform an
Page 75
More questions…
1.How easy is it to find balance between your school life and your
social life?
2.What is a decision that you made that had a major impact on your
3.What is something that will have a major impact on your future?
4.When was a time that you had to come to a compromise with
5.How much of an impact do you have on the environment? In what
ways to you cause harm to the environment? In ways do you help
preserve it?
Page 76-77
Ecotourism is the idea that people’s
vacations should cause as little damage to
the environment as possible.
Page 76
1. Possible answer: Natural Hawaii sounds more
like an ecotourism vacation because the
description mentions things like “minimize the
impact of all activities,” “environmentally friendly
lodge,” and “visit Hawaii without changing it.”
2. Possible answer: Active Hawaii sounds like it
might be more
expensive because the hotel is five-star and
modern. Also, the activities may be expensive as
they may require renting equipment such as
mountain bikes, diving gear, and a boat. Natural
Hawaii may be less expensive if the meals are
prepared with seasonal local ingredients, and an
environmentally-friendly lodge likely requires less
energy to run than a modern hotel.
Page 80
First staring contest with your partner ><
1.Pepperoni is the best pizza topping.
2.Peanut butter is better than Nutella.
3.Hot chocolate is better than a chocolate
4.Fruit counts as dessert.
5.Coca-Cola is better than Pepsi.
6.Round pizzas are better than rectangular ones.
7.Ice cream is better than cake.
8.There’s no point in eating french fries without

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